Val Matta is the vice president of business development at CareerShift, a comprehensive job hunting and career management solution for companies, outplacement firms, job seekers and university career centers. Connect with Val and CareerShift on LinkedIn.
Are your outplacement solutions so outdated that former employees would rather hit the snooze button than use them? Or worse, are they making your organization look unappreciative or indifferent to the future of former employees?
Historically, outplacement is a service that’s supplied by companies specializing in assisting an individual’s job search following a layoff or job loss, usually contracted by the employer. Sure, it’s not necessary. But with 4.3 million total separations as of November 2013, former workers need solutions that work — not ones that will push them further into unemployment.
Get rid of your boring outplacement solutions and use tactics that actually work! Check out these three new resources you need to consider:
Use a mobile solution
Research indicates 68 percent of job seekers use their mobile devices to look for work at least once a week. Mobile is the way the job search is moving. Accordingly, displaced employees should be able to use your outplacement solution through the device of their choice, be it a smartphone or a tablet.
Mobile can provide your outplacement solution with more than you expect. Let’s say your former worker was on-the-go. They’d be able to use resume resources or take a career assessment using any device. They’d also be able to connect with referrals, use interview prep tools, or manage their job searches more efficiently. When it comes down to it, many professionals don’t always have access to a standing computer. By ensuring your outplacement solutions are mobile compatible, you allow more employees to use it, which can of course create an increased return on investment.
Provide relocation assistance
While your outplacement service may not incorporate it, providing relocation assistance can be a huge asset to your displaced workers. Studies show 44 percent of workers say they’d relocate for the right job. However, only five percent of U.S. companies offer relocation assistance. So, why not incorporate relocation assistance into your outplacement solutions? Relocation assistance not only helps former employees to transition to new opportunities, it shows your commitment to their professional futures.
Relocation assistance clearly relies on how much money you can allocate to the service. However, any sort of assistance would do, such as connecting workers to departments in different locations or providing a monthly stipend or even housing assistance. While this may not be a traditional outplacement solution, it’s definitely one to consider as professionals look to other locations for new opportunities.
Utilize alumni services
Sometimes, you’re only as good as company you keep. That’s why offering an alumni services component within your outplacement service can dramatically increase the results displaced workers receive.
Alumni services within an outplacement service work in the same way as educational career services. They connect displaced workers to relevant alumni to assist with their job search efforts. For example, your outplacement services can provide a list of company alumni who are willing to help newly laid-off workers, either through mentorship or by providing a referral. This allows former workers to network with alumni and introduce them to potential opportunities.
If you’re looking to get rid of boring outplacement services, check out these three resources. Along with traditional services like resume assistance and networking advice, mobile, relocation assistance, and alumni services can take your outplacement solutions to the next level.
Would you consider adding some of these options? What other other outplacement solutions can you use?
photo credit: Steve Koukoulas via photopin cc
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