Originally posted by Charles Purdy, one of #TChat’s moderators, on MonsterThinking Blog
The term “dream job” means different things to each of us — and for many job seekers right now, a dream job would be any job.
But when most people talk about their dream job, they’re talking about the elusive position that engages their passions and interests, is well suited to their skills, challenges their intellect (but isn’t too challenging), and integrates well into their life.
In our dream jobs, our bosses are wise mentors who recognize our unique brilliance. Our coworkers are competent and witty. And our paychecks are … at least decent (in study after study, salary is a surprisingly minor factor in career or job satisfaction).
The question is whether we should hold out for our dream jobs, or simply settle for the job that’s good enough. Is it wise to settle into a job that, say, pays well but doesn’t engage your creativity in the way you’d like?
Scores upon scores of self-help authors say that perfection can be achieved in a career — but that just isn’t the reality most of us live in. Who’s right? And if dream jobs really are possible, for all of us, how do we go out and get them?
We’ll be exploring these questions, and their implications for the evolving world of work, in tonight’s #TChat: “Dream Job or Pipe Dream: Are Dream Jobs A Reality?”
Join moderator Charles Purdy (Twitter: @monstercareers), Monster’s career advice and job search expert along with #TChat co-hosts @meghanmbiro @kevinwgrossman @monster_works and @focus tonight on Twitter at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT and let us know: are dream jobs a reality?
#TChat Questions and Recommended Reading (07.19.11)
To help prepare, and inform, your participation in tonight’s conversation (or even if you can’t make it), here are the questions we’ll be discussing, along with some recommended reading designed to give you background – and perspective – on dream jobs and how they fit into the larger picture of job search, career planning and talent acquisition.
Q1. Some elements of “dream jobs” are universal (like pay). What are some of your personal/unique elements?
Read: Six Tips for Landing Your Dream Job by Alexandra Levit
Q2. Do you think the idea of “dream jobs” is good or bad for job seekers – does it encourage or discourage them?
Read: How to Get the Job You Really Want by John Sumser
Q3. A first step to finding a dream job is defining that term. What are your self-assessment tips?
Read: Making Sure Your Next Job Is the Best Fit by Caroline M.L. Potter
Q4. How much of the responsibility for creating “dream jobs” is the employer’s, company’s, or boss’s?
Read: Use Company Culture To Attract and Retain Candidates by Dr. Steven Hunt
Q5. How does one’s conception of a “dream job” change or effect career decisions?
Read: Cool Jobs: 10 Interesting Jobs & Their Average Salaries by Dona DeZube
Q6. Finally: do dream jobs really exist? If not, what’s the reality?
Read:Your Dream Job is Out There by Charles Purdy
Visit www.talentculture.com for more great information on #TChat, as well as other great resources on careers and hiring.
As a partner in #TChat, Monster’s social media team supports #TChat’s mission of sharing “ideas to help your business and your career accelerate — the right people, the right ideas, at the right time.”
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