I’m full, and Thanksgiving hasn’t even happened yet.
Full from the knowledge and wisdom shared from many fabulous participants and nearly 1,000 tweets in last night’s #TChat all about assessments. You can see all the stats and transcript here.
The premise for last night was:
There are a variety of companies who provide a myriad of different kinds of assessments. Many are reliable and valid. And some maybe not so much. The point being, we want to know what kind of analyzing techniques you and your organization uses, for whom, and why, and what results you’ve seen to date.
By no means was this valid scientific sampling of the workplace, but what was interesting was that for the most part, no one uses pre-employment assessments. We saw Wonderlic pop up and maybe there was one or two others, but otherwise our participants use development assessments like DiSC and MBTI (Myers Briggs).
In fact, those where primarily the main two that kept coming up over and over (although StrengthsFinder came up a few times now that I’m reviewing). Considering the list I posted in the promo, even development assessments aren’t used much.
There was some confusion early on in #TChat about whether or not folks used the DiSC and/or MBTI for recruiting/hiring, which is a no-no, but I’m pretty sure it was clarified that they were not.
When I asked about emotional intelligence assessments, I received nothing but crickets chirping. That bummed me out.
Here’s a sampling of the questions we asked (although not all were numbered):
- Q1: Does your org use assessments for recruiting, hiring and developing employees? Why or Why not?
- How do you screen when hiring? Only interviews and reference checking? Industry and position specific?
- Q2: What other types of assessments do you use? (emotional intelligence, personality, talent and skills-based, etc.)
- Any job seekers on this chat who have recently taken a pre-employment assessment? If so, what?
- Q3: Assessments a money sink? What’s the ROI and do any of you measure?
- Are there internal assessments to measure first 3-6 month productivity/development?
- Q4: Besides mainstream assessments already mentioned, why aren’t many others used in hiring and development?
- Since last week was about emotional intelligence, anyone used MHS EQ-i, TalentSmart, etc.? Results?
Most everyone was in agreement that “retention” is the primary measure of ROI on any type of assessment. But what was resoundingly clear (and probably because we had a lot of recruiting folk on the #TChat), was the fact that face-to-face interviews were preferred when making hiring decisions. That could be the topic for the next #TChat — the in’s and out’s of interviewing candidates for roles? We think yes.
A special thanks to Dr. Charles Handler from Rocket-Hire for joining us and sharing his assessment insight (@RocketHire). I learned about face validity again, something I haven’t heard since my college psych days.
Also, thank you to @HRMargo, @LevyRecruits, @IanMondrow, @sbrownehr, @CyndyTrivella, @jkeithdunbar, @KateNasser, @ValueIntoWords, @AliciaSanera, @tlcolson, @BillBoorman, @AvidCareerist, @heatherhuhman, @dawnbugni and everyone else who participated!
TalentCulture captain Meghan M. Biro and her savvy team, the TC community and little ol’ me, are very grateful for you all. Thank you again for participating. We look forward to next week already!
Here are some insightful #TChat tweets from last night. Have a bite! Happy Thanksgiving!

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