HR tech is undergoing dramatic change—from the shift to mobile and the explosion of analytics and artificial intelligence, to new software options and the emergence of wearables in the workplace. The rapidly changing nature of the industry keeps things exciting, but it also makes it difficult to stay ahead of the latest technology and trends.
That’s why I’m carving out time in my busy schedule to co-chair and attend HR Tech Connect, the only conference of its kind that focuses exclusively on bringing enterprise-level HR and IT decision-makers together to better understand the rapidly changing HR and workforce technology landscape. HR Tech Connect, which will take place from November 5-7 at PGA National Resort & Spa in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, is a must-attend conference offering fantastic networking opportunities.
This is not just another trade show or exhibition—it’s the place where you can connect with peers across a variety of industry verticals, discuss the latest topics, challenges and solutions, build relationships with experts and solution providers, and understand where the future of HR tech is headed. Bottom line: You will build lasting relationships that will help your company—and your career—succeed.
I am excited to be chairing the HR Tech Connect conference this year. I enjoy attending content-rich conferences like this one because they give me the opportunity to meet colleagues, friends and clients in a more intimate setting and share best practices and advice for implementing a successful digital transformation strategy. I always say you can accomplish more of your business goals—and better determine business and culture fit—at a well-run 2½-day conference than you can in months’ worth of face-to-face meetings.
Indeed, HR Tech Connect brings together Stone Fort Group’s WorkforceNEXT community, which focuses on HR leadership in North America, with nGage Events’ IT and executive community. There will be a healthy mix of frontal presentations and keynotes, boardroom-style case study sessions, candid panels on industry specific and vertical-focused topics, as well as one-on-one conversations with leading vendors and peers on the latest HR tech topics.
If you’re a decision-maker working in IT or HR, this is a conference you won’t want to miss. The sessions at HR Tech Connect will feature topics on everybody’s minds, including the hottest trends in HR tech, the emergence of AI and automation, and the evolution from legacy HRIS to best-in-class apps for each HR function. Conference organizers know that your time is valuable, which is why participants of this invitation-only conference receive complimentary airfare, hotel stay, meals and registration costs.
If you’re aiming to stay ahead of the competition and could benefit from meeting visionaries in the HR technology space, you’ll want to join me at HR Tech Connect. Click here to view the conference agenda and request more information about attending. Hope to see you there!
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