Unless you have been living under rock, you know the
Brett Favre story. Skilled, but aging quarterback is released by Green Bay, which has named sub-divisions after him, a couple of years back. The Jets, those poor Jets, beg him to play which he does, which is sometimes painful to watch. The old guy can throw, sure, but too many interceptions made everyone say, “Brett, buddy, hang it up.”
Then last year.
The Vikings, my home town team, begged him to play. Mostly because we had a QB who was too young, too inexperienced and not really qualified to be an NFL quarterback. It was painful to watch but at least with Favre that pain was matched with an understanding that he HAD done it. Our young kid hadn’t and no one cut HIM any slack. We needed Brett.
Brett had a good year here. He really did. But what was amazing was to see the impact he had on an entire city. People who don’t stand in line for anything, stood in line to get tickets, and use the cramped bathrooms at the Metrodome. We loved him.
I have never seen a QB take over a team much less a city like he did. Even his SuperBowl killer interception was meant with little OURQBSUCKS type comments. We loved our Brett.
I have a friend, not a rich man, who wanted to buy a billboard in Hattiesburg begging him to come back. I don’t think he even has season tickets. The whole city has been on cruise control since January, waiting, waiting, waiting.
And now.
He is back.
Now…your workplace culture. Do you know anyone in your office who could have that sort of impact? Think of all the executives out there who make a similar salary as Brett. $20 million. There are a lot of them. Do they REALLY have the skills that Brett has in his own field?
Would the top people at your company…and not a just a board of directors….go out and convince an executive to join the company like the Viking players did last Tuesday? Do you even know someone who could turn your company around?
Or the culture. It is a big time skill. We all should watch how Brett does it.
But you tell me.
How does Brett do it? Is it skill? Or is it “locker room culture?”
Does your workplace culture, your boss or you have the potential to recruit a Brett Favre?
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