Why in the world of work would anyone sit online for an hour and share serious answers to a list of questions – along with random bits of wit and wisdom that come to mind?
No, I’m not talking about watching “Game of Thrones” and tweeting with my friends. I’m talking about our chat — #TChat — the weekly Twitter chat where TalentCulture community members come together to talk about today’s “world of work.”
Learning Together: A Surprise Inside
No subject is off limits, except maybe “Game of Thrones” (which, by the way, trended lower than #TChat on Twitter last night ). No offense to that show, or to this week’s historic #MarriageEquality trend line (which also was less active than #TChat during our session last night). In fact, we’re honored to trend with both of these popular topics.
But I digress. Once again, I ask, why would anyone devote an hour each week to a Twitter chat like ours? I remember asking myself that question when we launched #TChat over two-and-a-half years ago. I never thought it would last a month. I love telling that story because, well, I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Collective Knowledge: Sharing Adds Value
This week, the TalentCulture community dug deep into the concept of “learning.” In particular, we’ve been exploring social learning — that amorphous, organic, continuous, “knowledge sharing” activity that was originally ignited in the Garden of Eden. (“Adam, would you like a bite of this juicy apple?”) Or if you prefer, that point in human evolution when our frontal lobes sparked cognitive thought, we began hunting for information, exchanging it with others, and making decisions on behalf of ourselves and those in our social circles.
Social learning can be as simple as a single moment: an incremental yet transformative interaction where one person shares a piece of information that another receives, absorbs, adopts and applies in a new context that propels him or her forward. This process of information exchange, reinforcement and transformation lights up pleasure centers in the brain, as ideas pass from one person to another in an “additive” way. With each hand-off, information evolves, and is modified by the next person who absorbs, adopts and applies…
Layers of Learning That Live On
And so it goes. This is the beauty of social learning. And this is why I participate in #TChat forums.
It is why I’ve found value in showing up nearly every week for over two-and-a-half years. Participants offer ideas that continue to build on one another. As I step back and look at this community’s body of work it’s similar to the formation of rock over a geological span of time.
We can dig through #TChat archives and see the layers of growth and progress. We can see how continuous interaction has created a context that helps our community evolve – absorbing the bad with the good, and establishing more useful understanding as we move forward . It’s a community where a better world of work emerges every week from the layers below — generating a new level of wonder and wisdom.
The beauty astounds.
#TChat “Social Learning” Week-in-Review
Watch the sneak peek interview with Michael Clark
To dig deeply into organizational learning and talent development issues this week, we joined forces with two brilliant experts: Michael Clark , CEO of ReCenter , and Justin Mass , Sr. Manager of Learning Technology & Design at Adobe . The richness of their contributions added tremendous value throughout the week.
We invite you to revisit insights on this topic anytime! Just follow the links below…
SAT 3/23 “Sneak Peek” Video: ReCenter’s Michael Clark kicked-off the week by defining key terms with our community manager, Tim McDonald .
SUN 3/24 TalentCulture CEO, Meghan M. Biro, outlined 5 ways that professionals can leverage learning in her column at Forbes.com .
MON 3/25 #TChat Weekly Preview “Igniting Social Learning” laid out the week’s premise and questions.
Listen to the recorded #TChat Radio show
TUE 3/26 #TChat Radio: “The Social Learning Show.” Our hosts joined forces with organizational development experts, Michael Clark , and Justin Mass , to examine social learning innovation and its role in optimizing talent in today’s workplace. It’s a fascinating 30-minute session for anyone interested in improving professional and organizational performance through learning.
WED 3/27 #TChat Twitter : Justin and Michael gathered around the Twitter stream with hundreds of other participants to expand and amplify key issues in workforce learning and development. See highlights from the conversation in the slideshow below…
#TChat Twitter Highlights Slideshow: Igniting Social Learning
[javascript src=”//storify.com/TalentCulture/tchat-insights.js?template=slideshow”]
Closing Notes & What’s Ahead
SPECIAL THANKS: We extend our gratitude to Michael Clark , and Justin Mass for leading our community through the social learning discovery path this week. Your expertise in learning tools and techniques is inspiring and invaluable.
NOTE TO BLOGGERS : Did this week’s events prompt you to write about social learning and talent development? We’re happy to share your thoughts. Just post a link on Twitter (include #TChat or @TalentCulture ), or insert a comment below, and we’ll pass it along.
WHAT’S AHEAD : Next week, we move to yet another level of talent discovery, as we explore the notion of “Humans as a Service (HaaS), with Jason Averbook , Chief Business Innovation Officer at Appirio , and Richie Etwaru , Group Vice President of Cloud and Digital Innovation at Cegedim Relationship Management .
Until then, we’ll continue to tackle World of Work conversation each day. So join us on the #TChat Twitter stream, or on our new LinkedIn discussion group. And feel free to explore other areas of this redesigned blog/community website. TalentCulture is always open and the lights are always on.
We’ll see you on the stream!
Image credit: Stock.xchnge
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