With large number of people blogging, it is assumed that the age of earning money with it are over. But people still find it interesting and there are people who can make money by blogging. So what are they doing exactly for their income? But before that you must how to start a blog.
Starting a blog doesn’t require you to have any technical knowledge. Here is a list of what you should do to start a blog:
Tips on Starting a Blog
#1. Decide a genre – Personal, industry-related, political, specialist
#2. Topic – Unique, interesting, competitive but with not too much competition online
#3. Research – Know what others are doing and how they are doing it
#4. Domain name – it tells people what they should really expect from the blog
#5. Keyword – helps in getting ranked in the search engine results
#6. Selection of a software – popular platforms include WordPress, Blogger, SquareSpace and Wix
#7. Design – do it yourself or hire a professional
#8. Nagivation – Make sure it is easy to navigate
Once you have done the above, comes the most important task – writing. Write a pool of 10-15 articles. Then arises a question how to make money by blogging.
To earn money, more people should be able to reach your post. The following are the ways to make it possible:
Be Different
When you write, you must ensure that whatever you write should not have been written before or at least offer them a different perspective. Everyone loves variety and if you are able to offer them that. Voila! You may have stuck gold here. You gain more and more audience.
Longer Content Gets More Traffic
Well you may be surprised to read this but it is true. Longer content has been shown to attract more audience. It is regardless of the niche you are writing for. Well it may be true that longer content requires more time but looking at the amount of visitors you can have per hour, it surely is a winner.
This is not about social media promotion. It is about building a relationship with the influencer in your field and then asking them to share your work. For this, I would advise you to spend as much time in outreach as you spend on writing content. Spend six hours in writing and six hours in outreachng.
Email List
In blogging, having an email list is extremely important. This is what predicts success or failure of your blog and how much money you might make. More subscribers, more money. Longer the email list, more is the money you make.
Start with Services, Expand into Products
As a beginner, look to offering a service in which you can solve a problem. You can do that with your first blog, you will learn more about a thing when you try to solve it. When you become a specialist you can offer the product.
Keep it Informational and not just Money Driving Force
Yes, there are new things that come up every day in finance too. I felt there was an intense urge to do that. I too have done it on my blog. Mine is about finance.
I Write for Popular Blogging Sites and Charge them for Writing for them…
Having made my mark in the finance arena, I am often asked to come to lecture people. I am more of a motivational and financial helpers at the corporates. And it is all happening because of the blogging initiative I took a few years ago.
Add Videos
Certain things can only be made to understand with videos. I have launced a youtube channel of my own wherein I interact with my audience to help them understand certain things. This confidence came from blogging.
Above All
Once you have built audience for your blog, use google adsense to make money. Suppose you are using wordpress as your blogging platform. Install google adsense pugin. Sign into it. Once you get email confirmation, create your ads and start earning.
Just like add your small business is done, there are blog directories, submit your blog there. Chances of growing your audience manifolds, if you do so.
Photo credit: Bigstock
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