Leaders, Recruiters and HR pros (even if it’s a team of one person) have a true breakthrough tool in mobile recruiting and hiring. And its usage is growing exponentially. Over a billion job searches are conducted on a mobile device every month. That adds up to a global talent pool that is far and wide. As a result, mobile-friendly career sites with intuitive job application processes are becoming an essential part of innovative recruiting teams worldwide.
According to Aberdeen research, “SoMoClo [Social and Mobile Computing] enables organizations to provide their end-uses the experience that is connect (social), everywhere they go (mobile), with access to data whenever and wherever it’s needed (cloud).” It all adds up to a business imperative for any organization that wants to find and hire stellar talent. And Brandon Hall Group recently reported, “Mobile technology is driving big changes in talent acquisition. The number of candidates using mobile devices to search and apply for new job opportunities is growing exponentially – especially in international markets where a mobile device is often the only access people have to the Internet.”
The key, of course, is implementing a system and process that works for your unique culture and hiring strategies. That’s where the real leadership and technical savvy comes in. There are numerous programs and apps out there. How do you find the right one?
Here are five steps to help guide your process.
1) Don’t be blinded by bells and whistles. A lot of HR Technology finds are dazzling in design and ease of use (both important btw) and in the array of information they can collect. All well and good – if (huge if) it jibes with your organization’s needs. Why buy a Mercedes if a Honda will get you where you want to go? So know what your requirements are and take a wary view of too much razzle-dazzle. There’s an old saying in Hollywood: “Big office, small movie. Small office, big movie.” Wise words.
2) Don’t be afraid to ask for outside expertise. You don’t want your team spending forever and a day plugging into the mobile recruiting research if they are not interested or ready. So consider hiring outside talent to set it up for you and advise regarding adoption. But be wary (see above) of any consultant “expert” or sales rep who tries to oversell you. This comes back to knowing your unique workplace culture needs and communicating them clearly to everyone in order to engage the right help.
3) Understand the SoMoClo landscape. Educate yourself on the various programs and apps available for hiring and onboarding job applicants. A background check app, for example, makes sense for many organizations. And a referral app lets employees deliver a well-rounded portrait of talent they think might shine and be a great fit in your organization. Filters that disqualify, or highlight, applicants based on your organization’s needs can save a lot of time and money. Caveat: some of the most talented people in the world are idiosyncratic types who may have strange holes in their resumes. You don’t want a filter that disqualifies these people who may fit your workplace culture. Video interviews are another priceless way to gain a well-rounded sense of a long distance applicant. There are a lot of tools out here. Know which ones match your needs.
4) Develop a mobile optimized career site. Your career and recruiting site will be talent’s first impression of you. Make sure it’s an honest reflection of your mission and workplace culture. Creating a mobile optimized career site is the place to start. Starting with a mobile landing page, one that includes some info about the role and your employer brand. The last thing you want to do is misrepresent your company. That’s a prescription for poor hires and future talent retention problems. So find a voice that speaks directly and plainly to talent. Let them know who you are and what you stand for – and that you respect them. Applying for a job is stressful; make the candidate experience process as painless as possible. Find an engaging voice and you’re on your way.
5) Put some passion into it. All employees want to feel engaged in their work. And stellar talent wants to be passionately engaged. So shoot for the top in your mobile recruiting. Don’t settle for adequate, or “will probably get the job done”. Don’t skimp on the initial resources needed to find, engage and ultimately hire top talent. Think world class, think superb, think Wow! And put that energy into your mobile recruiting strategy.
Mobile recruiting excites me because I’ve seen the research, enjoyed many conversations with leaders and know it’s potential to help the recruiting process, onboarding and overall candidate experience for brands across the globe. It’s the present and the future. Ride the wave.
A version of this was first posted on Forbes.
Photo Credit: www.karltonhuberphotography.com via Compfight cc
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