Originally posted by Matt Charney, one of #TChat’s moderators, on MonsterThinking Blog
The CEO of today looks a lot different than the company man of previous generations, increasingly likely to have traded in the gray wool suit for shorts and flip-flops, their secretaries for smart phones, and corporate branding with personal branding.
One only has to look as far as Steve Jobs’ black turtleneck, or Bill Gate’s bifocals, or even Undercover Boss to see the impact that leaders have on the way clients, and candidates, perceive and interact with an organization. Tony Hsieh has made Zappos as recognizable for its corporate culture as its corporate product; likewise, Donald Trump is his corporate product.
The close correlation between leadership and talent extends far beyond these high profile examples, two concepts that have long been inexorably intertwined. Influential lists like Fortune’s annual 100 Best Companies to Work For or a company’s Glassdoor.com ratings, rely heavily on workers’ perceptions of leadership and management within their organizations.
Studies have repeatedly demonstrated that executive and managerial communications and engagement are among the primary drivers for employee satisfaction and, subsequently, retention. Satisfaction with leadership plays a similarly prevalent role in worker productivity, with magnetic leaders adding more to the bottom line than can be reflected on a balance sheet.
When it comes to attracting and retaining talent, active, engaged and innovative leaders provide a key competitive advantage. After all, it’s that magnetism they possess which creates a powerful draw for potential workers (and customers), not to mention providing a potent, and public, voice for communicating with both internal and external stakeholders.
Tonight’s combined #TChat and #LeadershipChat recognizes the critical correlation between talent and leadership, and that’s why we’re partnering up to discuss some of the most critical challenges – and opportunities – confronting leaders and the workers who rely on them every day.
We hope you can join us tonight at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT for what’s been jokingly called “Twitter Chat M&A” as our communities come together for a conversation on magnetic leadership and how it fits in with the bigger talent picture.
To follow along or to join the conversation, remember to use both the #LeadershipChat and #TChat hash tags; for more background on #LeadershipChat, click here.
It’s sure to be a lively discussion, so we’re only including four questions tonight instead of our regular seven to keep the conversation flowing while keeping it focused on the issues, and ideas, that matter most.
#TChat + #LeadershipChat Questions and Recommended Reading: 06.14.2011
Here are tonight’s questions, along with some related posts on leadership and talent we think are worth checking out. This background reading isn’t mandatory to get in on tonight’s joint #TChat #LeaderChat action, but we suggest checking out these articles by top leadership and talent-management thought leaders before the chat (or if you missed it):
Q1: What is the role of a leader when it comes to making talent decisions?
Read: How Successful Companies Attract and Retain Employees by Connie Blaszczyk
Q2: What should a leader consider when addressing “talent alignment?”
Read: 5 Things Every CEO Should Know About Talent Alignment by Lisa Petrilli
Q3: How can a leader show genuine authenticity to new recruits and current employees?
Read: Starbucks Wakes Up and Smells the Coffee (And Buzzes Back Up the Leader Board) by Allen Adamson
Q4: How does being a genuine leader impact a workplace culture brand?
Read: 5 Authentic Keys to Attracting Top Talent by Meghan M. Biro
Visit www.talentculture.com for more great information on #TChat, as well as other great resources on careers and hiring.
Monster’s social media team supports #TChat’s mission of sharing “ideas to help your business and your career accelerate — the right people, the right ideas, at the right time.”
We’ll be joining the conversation this Tuesday night as co-hosts with Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman from 8-9 p.m. (Eastern) via @MonsterCareers and @Monster_Works.
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