It’s no secret most of us either live on social media channels or have at least one profile available online. It’s no surprise at all. So what is surprising about social media? Is it how we use it for entertainment? Building business leads? Or how recruiting has adopted talent acquisition through social networks like LinkedIn? It’s no longer a shocker that recruiters analyze our social media profiles and pass a quick assessment of whether or not we’re viable candidates. But the fun doesn’t stop there. The rabbit hole goes even deeper.
Organizations go as far as to monitor what your social activities online. It may never stop as the world becomes more socially invested. It’s eerie to think that your employer may be checking up on your “private life” on Facebook. There’s also the concern about what proprietary information is being freely clicked away or if any badmouthing of your company or employees is taking place.
Never the less, workplace privacy issues have to be dealt with. It’s a must these days.
Here are 5 suggestions:
1) Be careful before you check! There are multiple ways your employer can legally spy on you. Some organizations have tightened up their Internet usage polices. You need to read and understand what your organization’s rules are before you mistakenly violate any of them. It’s even gone as far as pressuring employees to sign strict policies that allow companies the legal right to access and monitor mobile devices.
2) Have a firewall. You need to know where to draw the line. Employees need their privacy. It’s important and it matters to them. Nobody likes that big brother feeling. Drafting a lawful social media policy that maintains company goals and permit employee-protected activities.
3) Be an example to all. Leaders need to set the tone. Engaging in social media means opening up, being transparent, and fostering communication to improve results. You don’t want to be an “oversharer” when conversing in social media, but you should show personality.
4) Keep it cool. Social media and people are becoming one. Technology allows us to emerge ourselves into this giant digital world of social connectivity. It’s meant to be fun, engaging, and insightful. Don’t let company guidelines destroy the influential power it can have.
5) The truth will set you free. Don’t let things go unsaid if you’ve done something that breaks company policy. This goes for employers and employees. It’s possible someone will make a mistake and break a social media rule. The best thing you can do is say what’s happened and move forward as quickly as possible.
Rules are changing. Privacy no longer has the same meaning as it once did. New boundaries have risen and it’s important to know where they lie.
Photo cred: BigStockPhoto
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