The TalentCulture #TChat Show is back live on Wednesday, January 14, 2015, from 7-8 pm ET (4-5 pm PT). The #TChat radio portion runs the first 30 minutes from 7-7:30 pm ET, followed by the #TChat Twitter chat from 7:30-8 pm ET.
Last week we talked about a world gone social and the power of OPEN (Ordinary Person | Extraordinary Network).
This week we’re going to talk about the cowbell principle.
In fact, we’ve got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell. Really.
For individuals, a cowbell is a talent or gift. For businesses, it’s a durable competitive advantage. The key to happiness and success is knowing who you are and sharing your unique character with others. A cowbell gives your value to people and they love you for it.
This show is about helping people and businesses find, develop, and communicate their true cowbell.
Join TalentCulture #TChat Show co-creators and hosts Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman as we learn about how to maximize the cowbell principle with this week’s guests: Brian Carter, internationally bestselling author, and one of the best known names in digital marketing and social media; and Garrison Wynn, author of the bestseller The REAL Truth About Success and sought after speaker. Both are co-authors of The Cowbell Principle.
Sneak Peek:
Related Reading:
Remez Sasson: Lack Of Motivation And Enthusiasm
Meghan M. Biro: Doing Good Work Matters More Than Your Personal Brand
Eric Friedman: How To Inspire Enthusiasm In Your Employees
Margaret Jacoby: Top 5 Ways To Motivate Your Employees (It’s Easier Than You Think)
Robert Ferguson: How To Fill The Workplace With Enthusiasm
We hope you’ll join the #TChat conversation this week and share your questions, opinions and ideas with our guests and the TalentCulture Community.
#TChat Events: How To Maximize The Cowbell Principle
#TChat Radio — Wed, January 14th — 7 pm ET / 4 pm PT Tune in to the #TChat Radio show with our hosts, Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman, as they talk with our guests: Brian Carter and Garrison Wynn.
Tune in LIVE online Wednesday, January 14th!
#TChat Twitter Chat — Wed, January 14th — 7:30 pm ET / 4:30 pm PT Immediately following the radio show, Meghan, Kevin, Brian and Garrison will move to the #TChat Twitter stream, where we’ll continue the discussion with the entire TalentCulture community. Everyone with a Twitter account is invited to participate, as we gather for a dynamic live chat, focused on these related questions:
Q1: If cowbell equates to a person’s unique talents, how is it best developed and communicated? #TChat (Tweet this Question)
Q2: Why does effort and hustle make all the difference in how you ring your cowbell? #TChat (Tweet this Question)
Q3: How should job seekers align their cowbells to their career paths? #TChat (Tweet this Question)
photo credit: stevendepolo via photopin cc
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