There is no question about it – social software enables workforce collaboration and communication. The McKinsey Global Institute estimates productivity improves by 20-25% in organizations with connected employees, and the potential for revenue amounts to $1.3 trillion per year.
So why is it so hard to get adoption traction for internal social media and internal communication ? How can enterprises today resume responsibility for communication happening among employees and even encourage it?
This week’s #TChat guests: Shel Holtz , Principal of Holtz Communication + Technology and a prolific blogger and co-host of the first and longest-running communications podcast shared his insight on the adoption of social software for workforce collaboration and communication
Email has proven to be very hard to move away from as an internal communication method, and is often the only communication tool that organizations use. So what happens when employees are not given tools that provide value and can work alongside with email? They find external collaboration tools on their own.
With a lack of better options, email do provide stability in a fast-paced world where tech is constantly changing.
Organizations will need someone to be in charge of the message mission control. It is vital to be looking at the company culture and then initiate leadership mandate to initiate change. When leaders empower their employees to use social software and inform them about benefits such as an increase in efficiency, collaboration, and productivity, only then will we see the true benefits of social software.
Some enterprises are concerned with controlling the message, especially in highly regulated industries.
What would happen if instead of fearing the message, leaders would rethink the communication in their organizations based on mobility? It could encourage brand ambassadors to emerge, working collaboratively towards a common goal and strengthening the Oh-So-Important company culture.
See What The #TChat Community Said About Social Software For Workforce Collaboration:
[<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “#TChat Storify: Adopting Social Software For Workforce Collaboration” on Storify</a>]
What’s Up Next? #TChat Returns Wednesday, April 15th!
#TChat Radio Kicks Off at 7pm ET / 4pm PT — Our weekly radio show runs 30 minutes. Usually, our social community joins us on Twitter as well. Next week’s topic: Looking People in the Eye Digitally with Ted Rubin
#TChat Twitter Kicks Off at 7:30pm ET / 4:30pm PT — Our halfway point begins with our highly engaging Twitter discussion. We take a social inside look at our weekly topic. Everyone is welcome to share their social insights #TChat.
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photo credit: by timothy muza
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