Attracting Top Candidates With Great Company Culture
Sometimes the obvious isn’t so obvious, and what should seem apparent, doesn’t always. Attracting top candidates is no one trick pony. It’s hard work, mostly because candidates’ needs vary, just like how organizational needs vary for all companies. Whatever the case may be, attracting top candidates without using an array of marketing tools such as promoting great company culture, can leave organizations fairly defenseless when it comes to attracting top candidates. Each industry faces their own unique challenges and complexities when it comes to reeling in top talent. The technology industry has seen its fair share of challenges the past few years. This week’s guests: Jim Stroud , Senior Director of RPO Recruitment Strategies at Randstad Sourceright, and Shravan Goli , President of Dice, shared with our community some of the challenges of recruiting and motivating in-demand tech talent. Together, with our community, we took a deep dive into the challenges of sourcing great tech talent, and building great company culture in the process.
It’s usually never one thing that causes trouble. Whether it’s recruiters or hiring managers, attracting top candidates to fill in-demand tech positions is extremely difficult. Finding top tech talent is a challenge. But is it because of:
Is this so? Is wooing tech talent almost similar to the challenges that other industries are facing when it comes to attracting top candidates? Are organizations failing to understand the need to communicate great company culture to candidates or is there no culture in existent to do so? Perhaps reeling in talent takes revamping the candidate wooing process. Organizations need to:
The beauty about attracting top candidates is that it’s a process that we can always learn from and constantly tweak. What worked in the past doesn’t necessarily imply that it will continue to work. Recruiting strategies have to continue to evolve as different generations of workers enter the workforce and technology continues to create the need for new skills. Our good friend Jim Stroud, and this week’s #TChat guest gave us a friendly reminder that:
Without adaptation and acceptance towards change, how can organizations expect to build a better company cultures? Let alone even care to take notice if their culture is healthy or not? Company culture shouldn’t be something we sell, but instead, it should be something that we embrace. Yes, candidates want to hear about the kind of financial stability that will be provided for them, but they also want to know about who the organizations are and how they’ll be provided opportunities to grow. Simply telling candidates that the “sky’s the limit” isn’t good enough anymore.
Attracting top candidates isn’t about throwing around fancy buzzwords. It has to be more compelling than that. As organizations grow, we have to grow with our employees if we are to truly support their personal transformations within companies. Remember, it’s employees that bring life and success to their organizations. Not the other way around. Attracting top candidates happens because they are communicated the potential influence that an organization will have on their careers. Whether we’re attracting top tech talent or other working professionals, we mustn’t forget that culture is a part of who we are. There’s no reason organizations cannot learn to harvest their company culture.
Want To See The #TChat Replay?
[<a href=”//″ target=”_blank”>View the story “Using Company Culture To Attract In-Demand Candidates” on Storify</a>]
Closing Notes & What’s Ahead
Thanks again to our guests: Jim Stroud , Senior Director of RPO Recruitment Strategies at Randstad Sourceright, and Shravan Goli , President of Dice.
Wednesday, Oct. 22nd, #TChat Events: Engagement and the Culture Control Panel
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