Creating Positive Organizational Change That Matters
In our final #TChat Topic of the year, we had a really awesome discussion about the importance of creating positive organizational change that matters. Change is something we all need to get used to in these social times, if we haven’t already. When it comes to the World of Work, organizational change is something that take a lot of persistence to learn how to embrace and make it a part of your business and culture goals. But to do so, you have to accept change so we can begin building a culture that’s constantly being impacted positively by its decisions. This is much easier said than it is done. This week, our community was joined by: Patti Johnson, CEO of PeopleResults, a change and human capital consulting firm. Patti understands all too well what it takes to make positive changes that matter, based on her research and her real world experience.
It’s important to realize that creating organizational change doesn’t happen overnight. It takes understanding that there are some important variables at play. It starts by understanding there is no room for ego and it also:
Sure, sometimes “me” is a good thing. In the World of Work, too much of the brand “me” can be toxic. Great company culture is built around collaboration, because trust exists amongst the people who make it work. Thinking more with a “What’s in it for us?” mindset creates a greater possibility of accomplishing great things together. Work should be about social collaboration and embracing creativity, so that innovation can take place. But the truth is:
Creating change is a team effort. Leave the nonsense behind that can crush organizational change before it even begins. Employees have to know that change is taking place for the greater good of everyone, not just a few beneficiaries that get to reap all the rewards. It’s about making a better workplace for employees through collaboration and trust. And we must learn how to keep change from falling apart by discovering how to measure what works and what doesn’t.
Learn to measure organizational change by going straight to the source, which is employees. Who else better than employees to explain what’s working and what isn’t? To keep the fire going, we have to monitor it and keep it going ourselves. When it comes to work, it means holding each other accountable for creating and keeping positive change burning.
Creating positive change at work goes beyond any bottom-line, it’s about creating a place where people are excited to be a part of it. A happy worker makes for a more productive one, which means employee engagement is alive and well. Some folks measure success through happiness. Shouldn’t the same idea apply in the World of Work? It’s worth taking the risk to change something that’s broken or needs fine-tuning. Being quick on our feet is what we must all become accustomed to in the ever-changing business world. Not being able to change with it leaves us susceptible to being left behind. Creating positive organizational change that matters starts with baby steps and forward thinking. It’s worth the effort!
What #TChat-ters Had To Say About Organizational Change
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Photo credit: Stephen Boisvert via Flickr cc
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