Improving The Candidate Experience
Candidate experience, it can sometimes feel like a moving target to increasingly burdened recruiters and HR Pros, but is it really so far out of our reach?
Last night we discussed how to make candidate experience a “given” for everyone involved and we had an amazing group with Shravan Goli , Johnny Campbell and Steve White ! Someone from every sector weighed in on making the candidate experience golden.
We started with the most obvious question of all. What do candidates really want? HOW can we deliver a solid candidate experience without knowing the answer(s) to that question?
#TChatters Agreed That…
Tech communities provide a valuable service not just for recruiters but for tech talent as well. (Hint: Don’t spam and neglect to provide value!)
It’s not all about recruiting, show your current employees the love too.
Candidate feedback formula = timely + respectful + contextual
InMails may not be the way to a talented techies heart.
Tweets may attract tech talent, but the job description or ad is the real clincher.
Want To See The #TChat Replay?
[<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “A Better Candidate Experience Means Better ROI” on Storify</a>] [<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “Taking THANKS To The Bank” on Storify</a>]
Closing Notes & What’s Ahead
Thanks again to guests Shravan Goli , Johnny Campbell and Steve White for showing us the way to true candidate experience.
Click here to see the preview!
Related Reading:
Meghan M. Biro: Your Employer Brand Owns The Candidate Experience
Gerry Crispin: Net Promoter Score and Candidate Experience
Nick Price: Candidate Dispositioning – What does it mean and why does it matter?
Siofra Pratt: How To Dramatically Increase Your Job Views on Twitter
Christopher Young: Incentivize Recruiters for a More Successful Hiring Process
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Note To Bloggers: Did this week’s events prompt you to write about trends on candidate experience? We welcome your thoughts. Post a link on Twitter (include #TChat or @TalentCulture ), or insert a comment below, and we may feature it!
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Next week at #TChat Events , we’ll be talking about building resilient workplace cultures.
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Save The Date: Wednesday, May 7!
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photo credit: MiiiSH via photopin cc
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