Empowering HR And The Hiring Process
There’s something to be said about the way the World of Work completes its hiring process. It’s no longer about pushing paper in front of people and asking your HR department to find golden candidates instantaneously. It’s a little more intuitive than that. It’s about being efficient, timely, and making time to connect with people. At least, that’s how it should be. This week on #TChat, we learned that empowering your HR people to deliver a more productive and engaged candidate experience begins with your hiring process. Our guest: Todd Owens , CEO at TalentWise , whose organization has processed more than two million new hires, knows how valuable the hiring process is. And why shouldn’t it be? That’s where the fun starts. Empowering HR to perform better, means cutting back on processes that hamper its efficiency and engagement.
Todd made us remember how valuable time is, and what it means to focus it on engaging with people versus spending it on administering outdated processes. He points out that:
It sounds nerdy, but nerdy is fun and usually right. HR employees can’t be expected to do all the work. They need to be offered viable solutions to tackle the hiring process. It’s no secret that they’re being bombarded with hundreds of resumes on a daily-basis, and one of their biggest challenge is finding the right candidate.
Part of how candidates perceive organizations relies on how HR and hiring managers present themselves to candidates during the hiring process. The hiring process has to make candidates feel like they’re being swept off their feet. Why? Because who you are with candidates on day one, says something about why they fail or voluntarily leave your organization. So where do we go from here? We change and grow for the better.
Eliminating excess work and processes for HR, means taking a proactive approach to trimming the hedges where they need to be trimmed. Start by asking HR employees where most of their time is being allocated to, ask them for feedback about any solutions they may have, and consider investing in HR technology that makes the hiring process more efficient and productive.
Again, the message is about driving home a better hiring process. Have HR spend less time on administrative processes that are time consuming. Put HR in a position to engage with candidates. Give HR employees a chance to do their jobs effectively. Automate the processes that need to be automated, and focus on fine-tuning the areas that could use some flare. If you want a better hiring process, then start by listening to what you’re people are saying about it and how you can improve it. Take the time to listen, learn, and react.
Want To See The #TChat Replay?
[<a href=”//storify.com/TalentCulture/empowering-hr-and-the-hiring-process” target=”_blank”>View the story “Empowering HR & The Hiring Process” on Storify</a>]
Closing Notes & What’s Ahead
Thanks again to our guest: Todd Owens , CEO at TalentWise . We enjoyed having you share your insights on empowering HR and the hiring experience.
But wait, there’s more!
TalentWise has launched a tweet contest about what HR needs to be empowered . Tweet them at @TalentWise with #EmpoweringHR for a chance to win a $50 Starbucks card!
Here’s how it works:
Between now and October 10th, 2014, tweet out what empowering HR means to you
Use the hashtag #EmpoweringHR (along with #TChat) and include the Twitter handle @TalentWise in each of your tweets
For example, you could tweet: #EmpoweringHR means having a supportive executive team that believes in engaging talent @TalentWise #TChat
Or you could tweet: #EmpoweringHR means we have a highly intuitive onboarding system that lets #HR focus on the new employees @TalentWise #TChat
Creativity is welcome, but keep it positive and empowering for HR and business.
Tweet-enter as often as you want from 9/24 to 10/10
Make sure to see TalentWise in booth #1335 at this year’s HR Technology Conference & Exposition from October 7-10 – and tweet live with us to enter the contest!
TalentWise will review all the entries between September 24 (when the TalentCulture #TChat Show occurs) and October 10 (last day of the HR Technology Conference & Exposition) and then select the top 5 tweets
The top five Tweets win a $50 Starbucks card!
Raise the business bar by #EmpoweringHR. Every day. Tweet with TalentWise today!
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Note To Bloggers: Did this week’s events prompt you to write about trends on the engagement experience?
We welcome your thoughts. Post a link on Twitter (include #TChat or @TalentCulture), or insert a comment below, and we may feature it! If you recap #TChat make sure to let us know so we can find you!
Save The Date: Wednesday, October 1st!
Join us next week, as we talk about The ROI of Workplace Transparency during #TChat Events. The TalentCulture conversation continues daily on #TChat Twitter, in our LinkedIn group , and on our new Google+ community . So join us anytime on your favorite social channels!
photo credit: Ryan McGuire via Bells Design cc
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