Do you ever wonder how prevalent social recruiting is today – especially versus five years ago? Or what are considered best practices for reaching out to candidates on social sites? Social recruiting is no longer a trend. It’s the new norm. According to new Dice research, 9 out of 10 recruiters are using social media in talent acquisition.
This week, the TalentCulture community enjoyed a fast-paced and high-energy discussion about how social recruiting makes the talent business case with this week’s guests: Stacy Zapar, Founder of Tenfold, and recruiting strategist, trainer & advisor; and Allison Kruse, Senior Manager of Social Media and Talent Acquisition at Kforce.
Social media has become the tool for promoting jobs, building brands, sourcing candidates, creating relationships, and vetting applicants. Dice research also shows that social has improved or is greatly improving tech recruiting results including quality of candidates, referrals, and time-to-hire.
Think social media is big now? It’s only getting bigger, along with its importance to tech recruiters looking for results. However, there is some art and science to doing it right. Listen to the recording and review the #TChat highlights to learn more.
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#TChat returns Wednesday, Dec 9, 2015 @ 1 pm ET/10 am PT. The TalentCulture team will be talking about our favorite #TChat shows from 2015. Join us and share your favorite #TChat moments from this year.
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photo credit: 3D Social Networking via photopin (license)
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