It’s All About The Talent Engagement Experience
Too many times we find ourselves asking such questions as, “How do we get the most out of ourselves?” or “How can we be more engaged in what we’re doing?” These are questions that that leaders have to always ask themselves. As always, #TChat participants showed up to voice their opinions on this week’s topic: The Talent Engagement Experience. And what we heard, and what we learned, is talent engagement can no longer afford to live in the past. It needs a shining new coat of armor if it is to face today’s modern day challenges when it comes to managing people. This week, #TChat was joined by Jeff Carr, CEO & President of PeopleFluent, who knows all about what talent engagement means to the livelihood of an organization.
Understanding how to engage today’s talent begins with knowing why management practices of the past no longer work. Because every generation of workers are different. It requires constant fine-tuning to keep up with managing talent needs and wants. According to Jeff Carr:
Jeff brings up an excellent point about “…how and where people work is important to them.” And why shouldn’t it? Work takes up a significant portion of our lives. How and where we work should mean something to us. And it has to mean something for organizations as well. Because:
By eliminating that “What’s in it for me?” mindset, then great things start to happen. People have to feel like they are part of the conversation if you want your organization to mean something to them. Realizing your employees matter is one thing, but allowing them to develop and contribute is another. And if you want people to contribute then you need to:
Because creating value throughout your employees day is what creates talent engagement. And you need your employees engaged. It’s critical to your success. Smart talent can sniff out when your culture stinks. It can happen during interviewing. It can happen whenever. Your candidate experience is part of your talent engagement experience and:
Talent engagement is about knowing how to manage people, because people come with all different types of motivational buttons that you need to press to keep them engaged. Take the time to find out what your talent is made of and give them the opportunity to succeed. The talent engagement experience is about managing character, motivation, and recognition. Give your people a chance to succeed by investing in them. Remember, investment doesn’t just mean financial reward.
Want To See The #TChat Replay?
[<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “The “Be Different Or Be Dead” Show” on Storify</a>]
[&lt;a href=”//” target=”_blank”&gt;View the story “Authenticity Is An Inside Job That Starts With Self” on Storify&lt;/a&gt;]
Closing Notes & What’s Ahead
Thanks again to our guests (add guests, and twitter links). Click here to see the preview and related reading.
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