Leveraging Social Recruiting Legally
Using social recruiting to determine if a candidate is worth investing in is a sensitive process. But it is a modern-day practice being widely used, and it needs to be understood before it is greatly misinterpreted. Finding talent is a tough business, but screening candidates becomes too delicate of a process to simply let content on a candidate’s social profile affect their candidacy. This week, our community was joined by: Jason Morris , Co-Founder, COO and President of EmployeeScreenIQ; and Nick Fishman , Co-Founder, EVP and CMO of EmployeeScreenIQ. Both specialize in helping organizations screen talent efficiently. They taught our community about the value in screening talent, but also how it is vital for every organization to perform it.
The embedding of social media in our DNA has proven to provide constant change to old processes and adaption to new ones in the World of Work. It is what has brought about the usage of screening candidates by checking their social media accounts. But why? What does social media screening teach us? The reality is:
Ultimately, every organization searches for a glimpse into a candidate’s character and his/her skill sets. Evaluating candidates goes beyond reading resumes and checking references. It extends to evaluating the content they post on their social networks. Truth be told:
The trouble with socially screening candidates is that our perceptions can be misleading in the process. Sure, there are some scenarios that showcase why certain selfies or socially shared thoughts should remain unpublished. However, understanding the difference between viewing a family holiday selfie versus a spring break group selfie is about learning how to interpret character.
Simply saying, social recruiting goes by checking social networks. There is a big digital world out there. It’s also about finding an effective means for screening candidates. Find an effective means for screening talent, because investing in people means coming up with the best possible answer for knowing what you’re getting. We cannot forget that:
When it comes to hiring talent it is better to be safe than sorry. Yes, we all know that hiring talent costs money and that there are high turnover rates associated with it. Still, verifying talent is about being strategic. It’s about keeping your organization healthy. When we hire new talent, it changes the chemistry that exists and we must adjust with it. However, we owe it to our current employees to be diligent when it comes to hiring talent. Social recruiting is an alternative means to evaluating talent, but it has to be thoughtful and mindful of all legalities. Hiring talent is a serious business. We must understand what our social recruiting game plan is and what it looks for.
What #TChat-ters Shared About Social Recruiting
[<a href=”//storify.com/TalentCulture/leveraging-social-media-in-recruiting” target=”_blank”>View the story “Leveraging Social Media In Recruiting” on Storify</a>]
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