Mending Employee And Employer Relations
It’s been an exciting 4 years since we begun this amazing social learning adventure. We’re proud to continue to build our #TChat community into a great source for trending HR and thought leadership topics. This week, we focused on mending employee and employer relations. Our community was joined by Marla Gottschalk, Ph.D., Industrial & Organizational Psychologist and Director of Thought Leadership at Kilberry Leadership Advisors; and Chip Joyce, CEO and Co-founder of Allied Talent. Both are experts in the World of Work. Each shared their unique insights to our community about the troubling woes of mending employee and employer relations. And it is a highly important topic. Remember when Gallup published their report about employee engagement? Employee engagement, the candidate experience, and talent management all ties back into how employees get along with their employers.
Mending employee and employer relations involves taking a look at various organizational challenges that relate to talent management. One of these challenges is the:
Bridging the gap between employees and their employers starts when we take the time to understand each others needs. Helping each other manage our priorities will make a difference. Part of what makes an organization healthy is keeping organizational goals aligned with their employees’ goals. Because at the end of the day:
It’s not just about work, it’s about making a difference through the belief in what we’re doing. We live in a world that is continuing to build itself around social connectivity. Engagement, passion, and connectivity are not just bounded in our personal lives; we can share these same experiences at work. Employees want to know that they have an opportunity to make a difference at work and perhaps in the world. This can’t happen until employees and employers have necessary conversations about what they expect out of their relationship.
Neither side is always going to win every single battle, but it’s when we start learning how to compromise with each other that we can start to build trust. Keeping employee and employer relations healthy is about managing trust and expectations.
The moment a future employee walks in the door every moment that happens afterwards dictates the kind of trust and belief they will have. Mending employee and employer relations takes work, but we don’t always have to be playing catch up with employees all the time. We can start building better employee and employer relations the moment they walk in the door. Developing the kind of organization we can all believe in is possible. It doesn’t just happen overnight, but we have to do our best to keep our lines of communication open. We need to explain what our expectations and priorities are. We have to begin managing these expectations and priorities together.
What Our Community Had To Say On #TChat
What’s Up Next? #TChat Next Wednesday, Dec. 10th!
We’ll be discussing How to Legally Leverage Social Media in the Recruitment Process during our Social Hour on #TChat with our guest hosts: Nick Fishman, Chief Marketing Officer, EmployeeScreenIQ, and Jason Morris, Founder, EmployeeScreenIQ.
#TChat Radio Kicks Off at 7pm ET / 4pm PT — Our weekly live broadcast runs 30 minutes. Usually, #TChat- ters listen in and engage with our Twitter community. View this week’s BlogTalkRadio preview: How to Legally Leverage Social Media in the Recruitment Process
#TChat Twitter Kicks Off at 7:30pm ET/ 4pm PT — Our Social Hour midpoint begins and ends with our highly engaging 30-minute Twitter discussion. We enjoy taking a deep social dive into our weekly topic by asking 3 thought adrenalizing questions. So join in on the fun during #TChat and share some of your brain power with us (or tweet us @TalentCulture).
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Photo credit: Waag Society via IM Free cc
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