Why will this year be the best in talent acquisition since 1999?
Because we’re bringing recruiting back to what matters most: relationships.
Smart businesses acquire and maintain top talent with great company culture and transparent relationships.
This week : Will Thomson , Founder of Bulls Eye Recruiting, joined our #TChat community and let us know how this year has the hiring potential to be the best since 1999.
What do job seekers want from today’s global, social, and mobile World of Work?
Recruiters must also determine how a potential hire will fit with their company culture. Educate them. Guide them. Tell them:
Company culture matters. The bottom-line is:
Recruiters want to attract talent with the right cultural fit and reward their efforts. Recruiting has to be on its A-game this year. Employer brands must tell the truth: be true to “Brand You.”
Recruiting has always been about relationships. Let’s celebrate that!
See What #TChat-ters Said About Recruiting!
[<a href=”//storify.com/TalentCulture/tchat-storify-recruiting-like-it-s-1999″ target=”_blank”>View the story “#TChat Storify: Recruiting Like It’s 1999!” on Storify</a>]
What’s Up Next? #TChat Returns On Feb. 25th! Next Wednesday!
#TChat Radio Kicks Off at 7pm ET / 4pm PT — Our weekly radio show runs 30 minutes. Usually, our social community joins us on Twitter as well. The topic: The Three Essential Elements of Compelling Business Vision .
#TChat Twitter Kicks Off at 7:30pm ET / 4:30pm PT — Our halfway point begins with our highly engaging Twitter discussion. We take a social inside look at our weekly topic. Everyone is welcome to share their social insights #TChat .
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Photo credit: Todd Quackenbush via Unsplash cc
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