Surviving A Bad Workplace Culture
Tonight, the World of Work was reminded on #TChat that employee disengagement is an organizational issue that is cultivated when bad leadership is there to nurture it, and a bad workplace culture only survives when there’s no means to put an end to it. Uprooting bad workplace culture happens when organizational collaboration happens from top-to-bottom, and emphasis on communication is placed at the very top. This week’s guests: Anuj Shah , Co-Founder of Traba; and Michael Flynn , Head of Marketing at Traba , shared with our Community the spoil of riches that communication brings to workplace collaboration. They know that if bad workplace culture isn’t squashed sooner rather than later it can cause an entire organizational structure to collapse on itself.
To understand what bad workplace culture is and how to survive it, you have to know what the symptoms are:
And who better than employees to notify their organization that the bad workplace culture symptoms they’re feeling exist because leadership is unreceptive, uncompromising, and unqualified to embrace total organizational collaboration. Michael Flynn knows and understands that to survive a bad workplace culture leadership needs to:
And it has to come naturally from leadership so that it trickles down to employees and they start believing in turning the bad company culture around. Give employees the opportunities they crave to find purpose and meaning in their work. Give them the power to cultivate company culture because:
Leadership needs to understand that employees are the source of their fruition. When cared for and harvested well, they bear: creativity, innovation, and passion. Turning bad company culture around starts with them. When your company culture has ripened, you’ll be able to see it because:
Facing a bad company culture is a formidable challenge that many organizations are wallowing in versus working to inspire the entire organization to come together as a whole to battle what’s plaguing them. Surviving a bad company culture isn’t about looking the other way and walking away from it. Turning company culture around happens through teamwork, from top-to-bottom in the organization there needs to be collaboration, and communication has to be leading the charge.
Want To See The #TChat Replay?
[<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “Surviving A Bad Workplace Culture” on Storify</a>]
Closing Notes & What’s Ahead
Thanks again to our guests: Anuj Shah , Co-Founder of Traba; and Michael Flynn , Head of Marketing at Traba. Traba mentors know how companies choose candidates and walk you through the best way to tell your story for landing interviews and jobs.
#TChat Events: Surviving A Bad Workplace Culture
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photo credit: Andrew Morrell Photography via photopin cc
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