The Extraordinary Potential Of Values Based Leadership
What does it mean to be a leader? It is about being the one who gives the orders? Is it about building relationships with people through values? This week’s #TChat topic: The Extraordinary Potential Of Values Based Leadership , shares a very unique perspective on what leadership should be all about. Fortunately for us this week, our guest: Mark Fernandes , Chief Leadership Officer of Luck Companies, a global Values Based Leadership (VBL) organization, is an expert on this highly buzzworthy topic. And why it shouldn’t it be buzzworthy? Leadership is responsible for managing people and their level of engagement with their organizations.
Mark kickoffs #TChat with explaining what Values Based Leadership means to him, but what it should mean to others:
Mark brings up two intuitive points about leadership: give your people something to believe in, and help them grow. Value Based Leadership brings leaders and employees together to share a common goal and purpose. Leadership plays a pivotal role in how employees develop, and how the tone for workplace culture is set. Mark believes that:
Leaders that truly lead, inspire their employees to do great things. They understand that attitude, motivation, and productivity around the office is reflected on how well they lead. Creating a stimulating culture and climate for employees to thrive in has to come from personal self-realization of what it takes to lead. To be a leader, you must:
Yes, self-realization of who you are and taking the time to learn about those around you is why leaders are who they are. How can you expect people to follow you if you don’t know anything about them? How can you expect to inspire greatness? As a leader, you must remember:
Values Based Leadership takes the time to value people, to hear their needs, and build a culture shared around a common goal. Making a difference starts with these steps. Few put in the effort and those that do see the huge benefits. If you want value, then you need to create it, and then share it with the rest. Because today’s workforce want to work for a common purpose. They want to build a better tomorrow. So give them the opportunity to do so.
Want To See The #TChat Replay?
[<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “The Extraordinary Potential of Values Based Leadership” on Storify</a>]
Closing Notes & What’s Ahead
Thanks again to our guest: Mark Fernandes , Chief Leadership Officer of Luck Companies , a global Values Based Leadership (VBL) organization. Click here to see the preview and related reading.
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