The Hot HR Technology Trends Of 2014
With all this talk about employee engagement, it’s easy to forget how some of the tech-savvy organizations are combating recruitment issues, disengaged talent, and workplace productivity with analytics and HR technology. Through the elevation of technology we’re able to discover trends that we never knew existed. We not only have discovered that technology has become a part of us, and is existential to the way we live, but how invaluable it is to the world of work. This week’s #TChat guest: Steve Boese, a co-chair of Human Resource Executive’s HR Technology® Conference and a technology editor for LRP Publications, joined our community and highlighted some great insights on HR technology. After hearing and seeing what Steve had to say, it’s obvious that organizations that:
Yes, data science allows technology to do some pretty fantastic things. HR technology is about helping organizations be better equipped to manage, train, and engage their talent in real-time. According to Steve:
And empowering people to be creative is what helps jumpstart productivity. You can’t be successful in business or in any endeavor if you lack the mindset, skills, and tools to be productive. HR technology is in demand, because organizations and employees want a better workplace experience. The thing is:
HR technology has the capability to bring both sides together, when it’s dynamic of course. It not only builds a bridge that connects employees with their work and employers, it becomes a part of organizational branding. And this usually happens early on with employees. Simply put:
An “ux,” as in “user interface” for those of you wondering what we’re talking about. HR technology can be a driving force for employee retention, productivity, and great company culture. It helps sustain it and measure it. It’s no secret that technology plays a big role in our daily lives. Employees want a system that’s easy to use and understand. A good user interface makes life easier, especially when employees spend a significant portion of their time using a specific system. What this is really saying is that organizations need to stay tech-savvy if they want to keep their employees happy and their productivity up. It all ties in together.
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[<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “The Extraordinary Potential of Values Based Leadership” on Storify</a>]
Closing Notes & What’s Ahead
Thanks again to our guest: Steve Boese , a co-chair of Human Resource Executive’s HR Technology® Conference and a technology editor for LRP Publications… Click here to see the preview and related reading.
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photo credit: alphaspirit via bigstock
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