The Impact Of Talent Management Technology
There’s never a topic we’re not passionate about on #TChat. This week, we discussed another buzz worthy topic about the impact of talent management technology on the World of Work. Yes, we know that managing talent is on everyone’s mind. And why wouldn’t it be? Talent is an asset. People are an asset. Organizations are starting to see the “bigger picture,” but it’s finding a way to manage this big picture that’s creating a challenge for decision-makers. This week’s guests: Margaret Wood, HR Generalist at Kay Flo; and Tom McKeown, Head of Sales and Marketing at HRsmart, took our audience inside the fascinating world of HR technology.
Finding a solid talent management system to build an organization’s structure on isn’t just about implementing software and getting it up and running right away. It’s about asking the right questions, in terms of discovering what your talent needs are and how they align with organizational goals. Finding a technology solution specifically for your talent requires making more than one big decision. It goes back to seeing the bigger picture and learning all the decisions and outcomes that will factor into a better management process.
The interesting thing about talent management is that:
Bingo! Whenever it comes to discovering the root of the problem, just go back to the source and adjust from there. Talent management technology is great. It can work, but not without understanding what your organizational needs are before you dive into the world of HR technology. Each type of technology is usually unique and comes with its own variation of features that meet particular needs. The focus needs to be on the talent when deciding what system to ultimately choose. We often forget that we need to:
Implementing technology is easy to do. It’s getting people on board that is the magic trick. Learning to find just the right amount of one thing is always difficult. We have to remember that talent management is a long-term process. We move from A to B when we know what the steps are.
Process matters! And so does talent! It’s not worth making the costly mistake of ignoring how your talent shapes process and how it will affect business outcomes once a talent management system has been implemented. Technology is great. We depend on it to help us make work more efficient. But we must:
Again, all roads lead back to seeing the bigger picture. Whenever we decide to implement any type of HR technology tool we have to factor in the human element. Implementing talent management technology involves hearing what your talent has to say about this. Learn what their needs are, how they work, & find your most enthusiast employees to lead this charge. Remember, HR technology works when its selected to match the needs of your employees. Take steps to make work better, not burdensome to everyone. Inspire your talent with technology that matches talent and leadership goals.
What #TChat-ters Said About Talent Management Technology
What’s Up Next? #TChat Comes Back In Two Weeks! On Wednesday, Dec. 3rd!
We’ll be discussing The #TChat Anniversary Show: Enabling the Employee-Employer Social Contract during our Social Hour on #TChat with our guest hosts: Marla Gottschalk, Ph.D., Industrial & Organizational Psychologist & Director of Thought Leadership at Kilberry Leadership Advisors; & Chip Joyce, CEO & Co-founder of Allied Talent.
#TChat Radio Kicks Off at 7pm ET / 4pm PT — Our weekly live broadcast runs 30 minutes. Usually, #TChat-ters listen in and engage with our Twitter community. View this week’s BlogTalkRadio preview: The #TChat Anniversary Show: Enabling the Employee-Employer Social Contract.
#TChat Twitter Kicks Off at 7:30pm ET/ 4pm PT — Our Social Hour midpoint begins and ends with our highly engaging 30 minute Twitter discussion. We enjoy taking a deep social dive into our weekly topic by asking 3 thought adrenalizing questions. So join in on the fun during #TChat and share some of your brain power with us (or tweet us @TalentCulture).
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Photo credit: Viktor Hanáček via picjumbo cc
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