The Power Of Workforce Culture And Continuous Mobility
Time and time again, employers and organizations find their talent on the move. And why is that? What drives employees to leave? Instead of finding ourselves asking this question, we should be asking, “What drives employees to stay?” Sometimes before you can go forward, you have to go backwards. Meaning, we have to retrace our steps and find ourselves at the early stages of onboarding to discover the secrets of retaining employees. This week, #TChat was joined by Tracey Arnish , Senior Vice President of Talent at SAP , who understands what managing and retaining talent is all about.
Getting new employees onboard early plays a vital role in the outcome of each employee in your organization. Tracey provides us with a glance of the short and long-term effects of new hire onboarding:
It’s through this glance that employers can visualize a roadmap to their employees’ engagement and development. From here, employers and new hires can build a career path together and:
Because at the end of the day, all employees are valuable assets, that provide your organization with the brain power and muscle to innovate and achieve success. But if you want your talent to stick around, then you have to develop it. You can do this if you:
Employees need to know that their career growth matters to you, as much as it matters to them. Why? Simply put, your employees’ engagement, productivity, and happiness is what’s at stake here. This all factors into the kind of short and long-term success your organization will have. And don’t forget, it shapes the kind of workplace culture you’ll have.
Want To See The #TChat Replay?
[<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “Create A Transformative Onboarding Experience For New Hires” on Storify</a>]
[<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “Visualizing Real-Time Talent Alignment” on Storify</a>]
[<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story ” The Inspire or Retire Leadership Theorem” on Storify</a>]
Closing Notes & What’s Ahead
Thanks again to our guest Tracey Arnish . Click here to see the preview and related reading.
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