Service must be a total commitment. Service is not just for the front line, but for every employee of any business – from the individual contributor to the CEO, explained Shep Hyken in this week’s #TChat .
Shepard Presentations’s Chief Amazement Officer spoke with us about the traditional ways of thinking of “customer service” – in the form of client facing professionals who help us throughout the sales process.
Shep then went on to highlight new, more collaborative ways of identifying what customer service can mean and who is really involved. Everyone, Shep explained, has a customer. If it is not the outside customer, then it is the internal customer – anyone within an organization who at any time is dependent on anyone else within the organization. This is the core of developing a powerful and positive internal culture . It is the understanding that everybody supports everybody else in the organization.
I hope you found the podcast and the our 30 minute live #TChat Twitter chat helpful in guiding you to a new pro-active customer-minded approach for your company culture. It definitely gave me something to think about when it comes to employees, recruiting, retention and overall brand and culture awareness.
Did You Miss The Podcast Show? Listen On BlogTalkRadio , iTunes or Stitcher :
[<a href=”//″ target=”_blank”>View the story “#TChat Storify: How To Turn Horrible Bosses Into Happier Relationships” on Storify</a>] What’s Up Next? #TChat Returns Wednesday, May 6th from Cork, Ireland :
#TChat Radio Kicks Off at 1pm ET / 10am PT — Our weekly radio show runs 30 minutes. Usually, our social community joins us on Twitter as well. Next week’s topic: The Global Impact of Gender Diversity on Technology Business Performance .
#TChat Twitter Kicks Off at 1:30pm ET / 10:30am PT — Our halfway point begins with our highly engaging Twitter discussion. We take a social inside look at our weekly topic. Everyone is welcome to share their social insights #TChat.
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