Most businesses around the world are small . Small businesses generate most new jobs. Most full-time and part-time jobs exist at larger companies. And all in between is the continuing rise of the freelance nation .
Now, while many of us who participate regularly in the weekly #TChat Twitter Chat are unemployable freelance free spirits who wax poetically — and I say that with all due respect — I’d argue that most of those full-time and part-time jobs are on the job, meaning required to be in the office, in periodic collectives to individual desk time, most of the time.
My fellow free spirits may throw me statistics saying, “But look — more companies are open to telecommuting; more people are working from home!” Maybe. And maybe they’re working from home only one day a week, or every other week. Not a watershed moment in the progressive world of work history, but better than a stick in the eye, as my dad always says.
Keep in mind that when start-ups are building teams, most prefer to hire the core teams in their near vicinity to ensure a cultural gelling of sorts (not counting the development teams, which could be all over). And the rest of the corporate world really does want to see the white of their employees’ eyes, even if they have offices all over the world and do talk virtually to one another.
Back to us unemployable free spirits — that’s my name for those of us who would have a really tough time confined full-time or part-time to a 5′ x 5′ cubicle and a cold, gray metal desk, complete with locking cabinets stuffed with unusable stuff. Unemployable free spirits are the ones who challenge the status quo, who launch new, innovative ideas and businesses, and who help to generate new jobs. We’re the ones who move and school when it comes to changing the world of work, who convince business leaders to lighten up and embrace social media.
We’re the ones who help to inspire self-management and empowerment and working remotely, even autonomously when need be (and we do need be). We’re the ones who say employment brand and corporate brand are one and the same and should be treated as such.
We can’t have us without the other. The very nature of the 21st century bold entrepreneurial spirit has risen from the ashes of companies and jobs burned right down to the ground, while the interconnected global economics still pull painfully like a grand tug-of-war over a foggy moat of muck and misery. The teams of us and them and you run along the moat banks until we find the shortest distances across, finding common ground in reaching the other side, some semblance of progress.
It’s then that the connective hardware and software tissues of choice unite us all collaboratively, the fleeting phantom sinews that appear in the mist.
That’s when the magic happens.
Thank you for joining us, and check out the slide show below of yesterday’s chat. Your tweets lent insight into just what, exactly, it means to be on a team today — and it means a lot. If you missed the preview, click here . We’ll see you next week.
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[View the story “#TChat INSIGHTS: The Teams of Us and Them and You” on Storify ]
#TChat INSIGHTS: The Teams of Us and Them and You
Storified by TalentCulture · Thu, Jun 14 2012 14:46:18
Hey #SHRM12 friends, we’d LOVE to hear from you at #TChat ( at 7PM ET today!
#TChat Q1: Where do teams operate today: at work, elsewhere, or both?Rayanne
A1: Both! Technology allows teams to work from anywhere. One of our teams consists of folks in SF, Brazil, and the Philippines #tchatJoshua Barger
A1: Home & Virtual Offices, from Mobiles and Laptops, Starbucks to airports and Cubicle to Closed Doors. There is no longer a “norm” #tchatRayanne
A1. Highly effective teams operate at work and elsewhere. The key term there is “highly effective”. #TChatInsperity Careers
#Tchat A1 Teams operate in various places today. Workplace, remotely from home, coffee shop, library, really any place that has WIFI.Cyndy Trivella
A1: We work almost completely in the cloud. A few of us are geographically close, but can’t always meet in one place. #tchatBlogMutt
A1: #PinkPonies runs an L.A. based team via Google+ hangouts, Facebook, Pinterest and email… #3PChat #teams #Tchatprettypinkponies
@Ray_anne A1. Both! Location is evolving. It’s abt being able to get the work done and not so much where you are. #TchatAnita
#tchat A1 Teams are the medium through which all significant work occurs these days. To think big means to have a team perspective!Michael Leiter
#tchat a1: it’s a little of both. Better question – where don’t they operate!Michael Danubio
A1: I have two desktops, iPad, laptop & fully-loaded mobile device from which I work. My teams are as close as my internet connection #tchatRayanne
A1 Teams are very “customized” today ~ designed/created to work the best & at their best ~ whereever/however #tchatCASUDI
A1: I would say both, but each has its own specific rules. #TChatTom Bolt
A1: The Entire WORLD? #TChatMeghan M. Biro
A1 Effective teams work everywhere, not just at work. #tchatLouise DiCarlo
A1: I’d argue still more folk in the office, in person, then virtually elsewhere. #tchatKevin W. Grossman
Precisely! Great point +1 @mdanubio4: #tchat a1: its a little of both. Better question – where dont they operate! #TChatMeghan M. Biro
#Tchat A1 Being able to conduct business from anywhere is indicative of our society and how mobile we all are.Cyndy Trivella
A1: 24/7, offshore resources means around the clock work! #tchatPlatinum Resource
MT @cyndytrivella #Tchat A1 Teams operate in various places..Workplace, remotely from home, coffee shop, library..any place that has WIFI.Joe Sanchez
A1: My biggest problem (I’ve said this before): remembering where I saw a message: EM, Tw, FB, LI, IM, Text ??? So many ways to comm #tchatRayanne
A1: Teams seem to operate everywhere…depending on the “project” and “purpose” determines
how & how well they work. #TChatBarb Buckner
A1 From my days in healthcare, a mixture of in-house & remote teams; whole depts and/or project-based teams #TchatClaire Crossley
A1: Anywhere something great is happening #TChatJess ‘Babs’ Bahr
A1) Teams are everywhere. Virtual, office, wherever. Only requirement is working together towards common goal. #TchatKarleen Harp
#tchat. A1: Teams today are highly flexible and virtual….We adapt as far as technology will take us.Early Careerists
A1: With more virtual teams working on projects work and elsewhere are the same. #TChatTom Bolt
A1: With new flex schedules combined with technology teams today work anywhere at anytime. #tchatBeverly Davis
A1: I have colleagues in London and Sydney. Internet has sure helped these communications. #tchatRayanne
A1: Our teams collaborate online, in-person and separately. #3PChat #Tchatprettypinkponies
A1. Teams and teamwork are happening in all areas of work and professional lives. #tchatTerri Klass
A1: I attended University of Phoenix online and even there we had teams for out classes and projects! It was a requirement #TChatBarb Buckner
A1: A “regular office” is no longer the norm #tchatRayanne
A1. Teams are universal operations in the workplace & beyond & now form part of or compete with communities. #tchatSalima Nathoo
A1: In the office, remotely, coffee shops, via webex. Basically if you can connect ppl w/ some way to communicate, its there. #tchatEmilie Mecklenborg
A1: all is remote for my org 😉 #TChatStephen Van Vreede
#Tchat A1 As long as a people are given the means to communicate, most will.Cyndy Trivella
A1: Putting together an “elsewhere” virtual team means making special efforts to build relationships. #TChatTom Bolt
A1: We have teams all throughout the country, Canada, and Europe. But it takes a good culture to make it work #tchatAlere Wellbeing
#Tchat A1 The speed at which information flows requires us all to be nimble and agile to keep up.Cyndy Trivella
A1: Teams are everywhere that people are working together to make things better. Definitely not only in the office.
A1: I do think a lot of “us” – here now – are the growing exception to the in-office standard. #tchatKevin W. Grossman
A1. Don’t confuse teams with mere working groups. Teams have more focus and are cohesive. #tchatTerri Klass
A1: 12 years ago, initiated home-based call center agents nationwide, then added collocation facility #TchatStephen Van Vreede
Wise nuance here >> @gingerconsult: Its just a base these days @ray_anne: A1: A “regular office” is no longer the norm #TChatMeghan M. Biro
A1: Even brainstorming sessions are more prevelent these days…less info just passed on and more collaboration #TChatBarb Buckner
What’s regular anyway 🙂 @gingerconsult: @ray_anne: A1: A “regular office” is no longer the norm #tchatCASUDI
A1 As brick & mortar operations have decreased, virtual teams have increased. #tchatMarla Gottschalk PhD
A1: No more boundaries. Anywhere anytime #tchatHusamettin Erciyes
We want to hear more @ITtechExec: A1: 12 years ago, initiated home-based call center agents nationwide, added collocation facility #TChatMeghan M. Biro
#tchat A1: most recently I supported a team of 170 w ppl in US/Canada/Chile/China & JamaicaErin Hommeland
YES! And Yes @MRGottschalk: A1 As brick & mortar operations have decreased, virtual teams have increased. #TChatMeghan M. Biro
A1 Also – there are no definitive work hours anymore… Virtual is 24/7 #tchatLouise DiCarlo
I feel the same way! @CASUDI: Whats regular anyway 🙂 @gingerconsult: @ray_anne: A1: A “regular office” is no longer the norm #TChatMeghan M. Biro
A1: In today’s technological world teams can work from anywhere in the world! Only caveat is they have to still collaborate! #TChatPadma Mohanram
“@ITtechExec: A1: 12 years ago, initiated home-based call center agents nationwide, #Tchat” –> ahead of ur timeMichael Danubio
A1: Teams exist on their own, outside context of projects; ppl who belong to them yearn to work together again, someday. #TChatBrent Skinner
A1: Great tools — Act, CRM tools, clarity, deadlines, shared calendars, Smartsheet (project mgmt tool), etc… #3PChat #poniesGTD #Tchatprettypinkponies
A1: Make it a priority to *meet* and touch base 1-2x a week to make sure everyone is on the same page. #tchatEmilie Mecklenborg
regarding Teams: Q2: How do leaders lead when professional networks are more fluid than ever? #TchatRayanne
A1 Teams today have the opportunity to work form anywhere at anytime. Takes a bit more co-ordination but technology makes it possible #TChatLinda Jonas
#tchat A2 Professional boundaries dissolve in the face of teams that focus on impact rather than prof identity.Michael Leiter
A2. Leaders have to be able to adapt to the changing ways of business. Only those who can will be successful leaders. #TChatInsperity Careers
A2: Leaders must be in the conversation stream and there is a need for more transparency because there IS more transparency #tchatRayanne
A2: Leaders need to stay true to core principles and always be on a learning path to enhance their approach. #TChatJon M
A2: Leaders lead by being equally involved…just sitting back and observing doesn’t cut it anymore #TChatBarb Buckner
A2 Through influence & expertise, not title. Results are key #TChatJess ‘Babs’ Bahr
A2 The better you lead, the more fluid the team, need to check your ego at the door, guide & encourage them, let them take the credit #tchatLouise DiCarlo
#Tchat A2 Leaders need 2 lead by setting example. If leaders embrace & accept fluid workspace, direct reports will B quicker 2 adapt.Cyndy Trivella
A2: Leaders have to be flexible and open to using all forms of medium & communication to interact with the team. #tchatEmilie Mecklenborg
A2. Good question. How do they lead? Not too well, IMO. All these tools to communicate & still don’t use them well. #tchatSheree Van Vreede
A2: By hiring those who self-manage and take care of business. #tchatKevin W. Grossman
A2 We need to be inclusive in our leadership w/ fluid teams & networks; engage so remote people don’t feel “out of touch” #TchatClaire Crossley
A2: Leaders of fluid teams must stay informed and make sure that the communication is transparent to all. #TChatTom Bolt
A2: Employees/Team members need to feel “part of” – there are so many ways to get info now, that even more transparency is a must. #tchatRayanne
A2. Leaders who adapt with the technology are typically more successful. They understand the needs and are progressive. #TChatInsperity Careers
A2. Learn, engage, adopt & repeat. The learning process never ends and open communication should be the norm. #TchatAnita
A2. Leaders lead by cultivating trust and accountability amongst all team members. #tchatTerri Klass
A2 A2 Really puts the focus back on the basics – communication, project management and feedback. #tchatMarla Gottschalk PhD
A2) Just as def of “team” is changing, I think def of “team leadership” is shifting. Distributed/shared, more personal responsibility #tchatExpertus
A2: Consensus, clarity in communication, agreements, staying organized #Tchatprettypinkponies
+1 “@KevinWGrossman: A2: By hiring those who self-manage and take care of business. #tchat”Claire Crossley
A2 It takes v intuitive, self-motivated leader to lead a virtual ~ remote team + impeccable communication skills. #tchatCASUDI
A2: It is about leading with clarit
y, communication. In one job, my whole team was in another location. It does work! #TChatJon M
A2: Guidelines for comms are a must. Knowing the best way to share info for each particular team is imperative #tchatRayanne
MT @CyndyTrivella A2 Leaders need 2 lead by setting example. If leaders embrace fluid workspace, direct reports wil B quicker 2 adapt #tchatTalentCulture
#Tchat A2 Leaders need to stay current. Be informed, this inspires and promotes innovation regardless of where ppl are sitting.Cyndy Trivella
A2: Jump in and be involved. Chilling in the ivory tower doesn’t cut it anymore. #tchatRob McGahen
A2. Leaders also must lead with transparency and open sharing of information. #tchatTerri Klass
A2: Self-sufficient employees who can take initiative will need a leader who will compliment their strengths & help them grow. #tchatEmilie Mecklenborg
Absolutely @Ray_anne: A2: Guidelines for comms are a must. Knowing the best way to share info for each particular team is imperative #TChatMeghan M. Biro
A2: It is important to remember that “face-to-face” is still the best way to cement a team – though NOT the only way. #tchatRayanne
A2 I still think large quantities of face time F2F is the best communication #oldschool #TchatDave Ryan, SPHR
#Tchat. A2. Fluid networks are a benefit & tool for leaders. They must expand and utilize their network to succeed.Early Careerists
A2: Some things don’t change. One boss held status meetings to start the day and we were in the same bldg. Virtual = same #TChatTom Bolt
MT @ThinDifference: A2: It is about leading with clarity, communication. In one job, my whole team was in another location. It works! #tchatcfactor Works Inc.
A2) Treat each team member as equal, regardless of “rank” Every role is temporary. #TchatKarleen Harp
A2: A good tool for leaders is metrics. You will know the effort put into a project by the progress seen. #tchatBeverly Davis
A2: You can lead from afar…and be effective. You must master the art of communication and clarity of roles to teams #tchatJen Olney
A2: Leaders must “do as they say”. If they are not communicating, how will team be effective? #tchatRayanne
A2: Now we need new leaders unless they can adopt to current changes. #tchatHusamettin Erciyes
A2 – using tools like @Yammer can give leaders a voice across a global enterprise. Allows for more conversational back & forth. #TchatJodie Garrison
A2: Leaders must be consistent, dependable, flexible and more available to others’ varying schedules. #3PChat #Tchatprettypinkponies
A2) Leaders are able to be involved on a deep-level of understanding of how to steer a team to a certain goal relevant to the company #tchatDerek Tacconelli
A2: Frequent video and conference calls…occasional handshakes and coffee. #TChatTom Bolt
LOVE me the Y @jodiegg A2 using tools like @Yammer can give leaders a voice across a global enterprise. conversational back & forth. #TChatMeghan M. Biro
A2 Most importantly, leaders need to communicate expectations upfront. #TchatJoe Sanchez
#tchat A2 Respectful interactions among team members is essential 4 a free flow of sharing. Leaders can define this quality!Michael Leiter
#Tchat A2 Communication is KEY. Speak well and often regardless of the technology you choose. This will never change in business.Cyndy Trivella
@MeghanMBiro:@jodiegg A2 using tools like @Yammer can give leaders a voice across a global enterprise. conversational back & forth. #tchatCASUDI
#tchat a2: effectively delegatingErin Hommeland
A2. Leaders need to be great integrators of ideas and people. #tchatTerri Klass
! @ThinDifference: Respect! @workengagement: A2 Respectful interactions essential 4 a free flow of sharing. Leaders define quality! #TChatMeghan M. Biro
A2 New tools make new rules possible. Upside: less command/control req’d. Loosely-coupled & self-mgd teams can be effective/efficient #tchatExpertus
A2: Best way is to communicate and stay engaged regardless of technology used. #TChatPadma Mohanram
A2 Leaders must recognize that there is a premium on communications in fluid & virtual/remote professional networks. #TChatJoe Sanchez
A2: understanding your teams talent, who they are then communicating and directing them accordingly #tchatHusamettin Erciyes
A2: Leaders must insure that deliverables are met whether virtual or live. #TChatTom Bolt
*Reality Strikes* @TomBolt: A2: Leaders must insure that deliverables are met whether virtual or live. #TChatMeghan M. Biro
A2 Leaders can leverage video to inspire & share their vision with their people #TChatSean Charles
A2) Leaders have the ability to play to teammates’ strengths, boosting the group to larger than the sum of its parts #tchatDerek Tacconelli
#Tchat A2 Adaptation and open-mindedness is the name of the game.Cyndy Trivella
A2: #Leadership, remember: A dispersed, fluid team is a potentially distracted one. Interaction rules the day. #TChatBrent Skinner
Regarding TEAMS: Q3: The employee lifecycle is shorter now. How can leaders forge lasting relationships in this world of work? #tchatRayanne
A3. Leaders should stay in contact with their emps after they’ve left. It’s not just about emps networking with managers. #TChatInsperity Careers
A3: by making relationships based on context w/each other and not only w/work #TChatJess ‘Babs’ Bahr
Yes, I agree, Terri “@TerriKlass: A2. Leaders need to be great integrators of ideas and people. #tchat”Claire Crossley
#tchat A3 Effective leaders give their full attention to the conversation of the moment.Michael Leiter
A3 Create loyalty – make the workers feel valued!!! #tchatLouise DiCarlo
A3: Open communication, respect and recognition….the same reasons WHY the employee life cycle is shorter – those are missing #TChatBarb Buckner
A3 Business is still about people. Show appreciation. #tchatMarla Gottschalk PhD
A3. Acceleration Everything happens faster today. Do it faster & better #tchatDave Ryan, SPHR
A3. Have real conversations and create meaningful connections. Surface communication is so 1.0! #tchatSalima Nathoo
A3) Treat team members like customers. They could be some day. Stay in touch / positive even with rocky relationships. #TchatKarleen Harp
A3: Lasting relationships are a rare breed these days. Most employees do not stay longer than 2 years. #tchatRayanne
A3. Leaders need to stay in contact with people from organizations they left. Keep everyone posted as you move on. #tchatTerri Klass
A3: It’s all about gaming and incentivizing. Make your employees feel like they’re apart of something bigger. #tchatBlogMutt
A3: Don’t try to make relationships last, just let them. Encourage cooperation on common goals and it should happen naturally. #TChatTom Bolt
A3: Like all good business, keep your customers coming back for more. #tchatKevin W. Grossman
A3) Latch on with laser focus #tchatDerek Tacconelli
A3: Good technology, adequate support resources and professional development opportunities #tchatKathy Herndon, GPHR
A3 Winning & making a difference is the glue that holds any team together ~ same w remote/virtual team. #tchatCASUDI
A3 Forging rel shouldn’t change: listening, authenticity, not burning bridges. Same for employees. Could work together down the road #tchatFaronics HR
#tchat A3 Considering the full person, not just the current role, builds a long term relationship at work Michael Leiter
A3: Those that are shown respect will stay in touch and continue to help if they can…think referrals #TChatBarb Buckner
A3 Support teams via con’t pro
f development & create opportunities so ee’s can *shine* Strategies shouldn’t end once recruited #TchatClaire Crossley
A3: There is a definitive need to instill devotion/loyalty in employees. Must come from employer/boss #tchatRayanne
A3: Leaders build with trust and honesty that creates a lasting bond no matter the cycle of the engagement w/the org #tchatJen Olney
#tchat a3: take an interest and connect on a personal levelMichael Danubio
A3: Respect is reciprocal and speaks well of the co/org and its leadership. THIS drives retention #tchatRayanne
A3 Leaders should listen, empower, be flexible, reward and recognise. If you are an integral part, it’s harder to leave a company #TChatLinda Jonas
A3: If they want more loyal employees, they must be willing to meet them halfway. #tchatRob McGahen
A3. When we serve others with respect, they will always be part of our professional life. #tchatTerri Klass
#tchat A3: Connect personally. Provide challenging work. Remove barriers. Care!Early Careerists
Two-way street? @Ray_anne: A3: There is a definitive need to instill devotion/loyalty in employees. Must come from employer/boss #TChatMeghan M. Biro
A3: Don’t burn bridges! #tchatRob McGahen
A3: If you pay attention, those relationships are already forged among your employees…leaders need to learn how to do the same now #TChatBarb Buckner
Yes! MT @ClaireSMBB: A3 Support teams via cont prof development; Strategies shouldnt end once recruited #TChatJess ‘Babs’ Bahr
#Tchat A3 At the end of the day, leadership can take place anywhere IF executed correctly.Cyndy Trivella
How so? Nuance? I like @TerriKlass: A3. When we serve others with respect, they will always be part of our professional life. #TChatMeghan M. Biro
+10 MRT @BarbBuckner: A3: those relationships are already forged among your employees…leaders need to learn how to do the same now #tchatSalima Nathoo
A3 Sometimes I think we make things too complicated. We know what engages employees – just do it. #tchatMarla Gottschalk PhD
A3: Last week’s #tchat was all about loyalty & trust. Those same ideas exist here. Commitment and loyalty must be nurtured – ongoing #tchatRayanne
A2) But new team tools, models & methods gain value w/ leadership: set vision/strategy, integrate, facilitate, provision, empower #tchatExpertus
A3: One of the main reasons people leave orgs are because of leaders. They need to build more meaningful / mentoring relationships #tchatJoshua Barger
A3: Building a lasting relationship with any team is based on the same things; fair pay, having a voice and growth opportunities. #tchatBeverly Davis
A3. Always lead with integrity and care for others. That will create long lasting relationships. #tchatTerri Klass
A3: Make it a priority to share your vision & give direct feedback daily to your employees #TChatSean Charles
@Ray_anne A3: Focusing on talents can help an employee realize your appreciation of their contribution. Everyone loves appreciation! #TChatMike Hopkins
A3: This nurturing is an ongoing process, not a one-shot deal. Must continue throughout the life of the company #tchatRayanne
A3: Know when to use the carrot, the stick, a short leash and no leash. It takes a combination of skills. #Tchatprettypinkponies
A3. Create transparency within the company and build on relationships. Apply the P2P (people-people) principle internally to succeed #TchatAnita
A3 To the extent possible, provide opptys for distributed workforce to physically meet & socialize. Show you care. #TchatJoe Sanchez
A3: Know your team well by observing and listening.
Respect their opinions and appreciate. Realize that there is no “I” in the “team” #TChatPadma Mohanram
A3: Focus on the team’s goals — not your own. #BeALeader #Tchatprettypinkponies
+1 “@SocialMediaSean: A3: Make it a priority to share your vision & give direct feedback daily to your employees #TChat”Claire Crossley
A3: Meeting the changing needs of the employee is a good idea. Flexibility in hours and where they work are good ideas #tchatRayanne
Absolutely! RT @BrightJobs: A4: Make a real connection, sincerity from leadership is what every employee is looking for. #TChatPadma Mohanram
A3: Makean effort to understand what motivates each member of your team. #Tchatprettypinkponies
Everyone motivates differently! MT @prettypinkpro A3 Know when to use the carrot, stick, short/no leash; takes a combo of skills. #TChatJess ‘Babs’ Bahr
A3: Fire people with poor behavior quickly to keep your focus on the most valuable & engaged employees #TChatSean Charles
A3: This might be excessively tactical, but they can do so by connecting with them in professional circles outside the org. #TChatBrent Skinner
A3. The most important thing a leader can do is grow new leaders. #tchatTerri Klass
+ 3 Absolutely @TerriKlass: A3. The most important thing a leader can do is grow new leaders. #TChatMeghan M. Biro
@rezlady I’ve had a ongoing discussion about instilling/creating/inspiring/managing self motivation > 4 virtual teams A3 #tchatCASUDI
A4: Alignment of vision and goals is imperative as the workplace becomes more intangible. #tchatRayanne
A4. Technology is allows us to balance our work/personal life. We choose when we collaborate and how often. #TChatInsperity Careers
A4: The company must have a desirable culture and a certain camaraderie is good for the employee, which is good for biz #tchatRayanne
A4: Make a real connection, sincerity from leadership is what every employee is looking for.
A4: Anyone ever heard of the telephone? #tchatSteve Levy
A4. Technology allows us to collaborate on our own time. You don’t have to wait until the next day to share your ideas. #TChatInsperity Careers
RT @Ray_anne A4: The company must have a desirable culture and a certain camaraderie is good for the employee, which is good for biz #tchatTalentCulture
RT @levyrecruits: A4: Anyone ever heard of the telephone? #tchatDave Ryan, SPHR
A4: Teambuilding events and all-hands company meetings are great for re-establishing bonds and energy. #tchatRayanne
A4 Through developing relationships that transverse the workplace #TChatJess ‘Babs’ Bahr
A4: The teammates must first have a relationship with each other to WANT to engage in/out of the workplace #TChatBarb Buckner
Is that an Apple product? RT @levyrecruits: A4: Anyone ever heard of the telephone? #tchatRichard S Pearson
What planet are you tuning in from? Hello my friend @levyrecruits: A4: Anyone ever heard of the telephone? #TChatMeghan M. Biro
Gr8! RT @JessaBahr: A4 Through developing relationships that transverse the workplace #tchatTerri Klass
A4 Teammates have to take responsibility for their own engagement. Take on new responsibilities, take breaks, have fun! #tchatLouise DiCarlo
A4: Clarity of purpose equals engaged teammates. Purpose of daily actions and how it all fits together over time. #TChatJon M
A4: My company has an All Hands Meeting every Friday 9am w/ virtual employees on speaker phone. #tchatRayanne
A4: Your connective hardware and software tissues of choice. #tchatKevin W. Grossman
RT @JessaBahr: A4 Through developing relationships that transverse the workplace #Tchatprettypinkponies
RT @Ray_anne: A4: Teambuilding events & all-hands company meetings are great for re-establishing bonds and energy. – so simple & true #tchatPlatinum Resource
#Tchat A4 If ppl work remotely, they need to make a point of keeping in contact with their team everyday. No one well works in a vacuum.Cyndy Trivella
RT @Ray_anne:A4: The company must have a desirable culture and a certain camaraderie is good for the employee, which is good for biz #tchatJumpstart HR
True. RT @BarbBuckner: A4: The teammates must first have a relationship with each other to WANT to engage in/out of the workplace #tchatKevin W. Grossman
Definitely needed RT @Ray_anne: A4: Teambuilding events and all-hands company meetings are great for re-establishing bonds and energy #tchatRichard S Pearson
A4: Culture has to be border-less #tchatJen Olney
A4 Should be team focus too, in addition to leadership, everyone plays a part in making sure colleagues feel engaged #TchatClaire Crossley
A4: Companies have to remember to allow employee the space to have their personal lives too…don’t expect them consumed 24/7 #TChatBarb Buckner
RT @BarbBuckner A4: The teammates must first have a relationship with each other to WANT to engage in/out of the workplace #tchatTalentCulture
A4: Obvious answers such as text, phone calls, twitter, etc… #tchatRob McGahen
A4: they can stay engaged via Facebook 😉 #TChatStephen Van Vreede
RT @Ray_anne: A4: Teambuilding events and all-hands company meetings are great for re-establishing bonds and energy. #tchatKevin W. Grossman
A4 In the old days we only had phone/fax NOW the tools of communication are our oyster……sounds funny but U know what I mean:-) #tchatCASUDI
A4: make sure to meter out rewards, competitions, to build up morale and create excitement. Yes I said it, excitement at work! #tchatPlatinum Resource
The skinny: RT @KevinWGrossman: A4: Your connective hardware and software tissues of choice. #tchatcfactor Works Inc.
A4: RE: Company Mtgs – opportunity to share news good and bad that may affect everyone. We also say thanks and good job #tchatRayanne
A4: Not so obvious answers such as knowing the schedule, knowing who you need to communicate with and remain focused! #tchatRob McGahen
THIS-> MRT @joshinhr A3 One of main reasons ppl leave orgs b/c of leaders. They need 2 build meaningful / mentoring relationships #tchat Brent Skinner
Which platform do you use? @Ray_anne: A4: My company has an All Hands Meeting every Friday 9am w/ virtual employees on speaker phone. #TChatMeghan M. Biro
A4: Camaraderie is fantastic, however, leaders need to be aware of the line and not to cross it – they are leaders, not friends. #tchatJoshua Barger
A4. Must develop “check-in” times and use lots of listening to really understand what’s important. #tchatTerri Klass
Indeed. RT @gingerconsult: A4: Culture has to be border-less #tchatKevin W. Grossman
TRUE RT@Ray_anne: A4: The company must have a desirable culture & a certain camaraderie is good 4 the employee, which is good 4 biz #tchatCASUDI
A4: Virtual employees must be included. Very few are solely self-motivating. #tchat Plus, it can be lonely :-/Rayanne
A4:Internal & external social networks are awesome to keep connected. #TChatSean Charles
A4: You need to have realistic goals for your team with an open communication then you don’t need much to engage them #tchatHusamettin Erciyes
RT @TerriKlass A4. Must develop “check-in” times and use lots of listening to really understand what’s important. #tchatTalentCulture
A4 A mistake some people make is ALWAYS trying to be availalbe – doesn’t work #worklifebalance #fail #tchatDave Ryan, SPHR
A4. Personal bonding is important. If meeting in person is possible – do it. Rewarding the team & members is impo for engagement. #TchatAnita
Any favorites? @SocialMediaSean: A4:Internal & external social networks are awesome to keep connected. #TChatMeghan M. Biro
We do the same on Video and Adobe Connect. people love it. RT @ray_anne: A4: My company has an All Hands Meeting every Friday #tchatBill Cushard
Yes, conveyed in culture & environment RT @KevinWGrossman: Indeed. RT @gingerconsult: A4: Culture has to be border-less #tchatEmilie Mecklenborg
#TChat A4: maintain engagement by creating opportunities for people to learn about each other WHILE working = less loss of timeLynette Patterson
MRT @Ray_anne: A3: previous #tchat all about loyalty & trust. Same ideas exist here. Commitment & loyalty must be nurtured – ongoing #tchatBrent Skinner
RT @KevinWGrossman: A4: Your connective hardware and software tissues of choice. #tchatTalentCulture
Leaders can’t be freinds? MT @JoshInHR: A4 leaders need to be aware of the line and not to cross it – they are leaders, not friends. #TChatJess ‘Babs’ Bahr
A4. Maintain a transparent form of communication and never keep anyone in the dark. #tchatTerri Klass
RT @Ray_anne: A4: Virtual employees must be included. Very few are solely self-motivating. #tchat Plus, it can be lonely :-/ #Tchatprettypinkponies
A4: Videoconferencing – face time is so valuable #tchatKathy Herndon, GPHR
A4. Teams who are clear on WHY they are *choosing” to collaborate can better seamlessly engage in any space #tchatSalima Nathoo
#tchat. A4: A common bond! I.e. mission, vision. This unites people!Early Careerists
MRT @beverly_davis: A3: Building lasting relationship w/any team based on same things; fair pay, having voice & growth opportunities. #tchatBrent Skinner
Well said! RT @TalentCulture: RT @KevinWGrossman: A4: Your connective hardware and software tissues of choice. #tchatTerri Klass
RT @kathyherndon: A4: Videoconferencing – face time is so valuable #tchatDerek Tacconelli
RT @socialmediasean: A4:Internal & external social networks are awesome to keep connected. #TChatFaronics HR
RT @@SocialMediaSean A4:Internal & external social networks are awesome to keep connected. #tchat TalentCulture
#tchat A4: high quality ppl will stay engaged if the plan is clear, and they know what is expected.Erin Hommeland
F2F invaluable> RT@kathyherndon: A4: Videoconferencing – face time is so valuable #tchatCASUDI
RT @prettypinkpro: @Ray_anne: A4: Virtual employees must be included. Very few are solely self-motivating Plus, it can be lonely :-/ #tchatPlatinum Resource
IRL Deepens relationships. Zero question. @kathyherndon: A4: Videoconferencing – face time is so valuable #TChatMeghan M. Biro
RT @EHommeland: #tchat A4: high quality ppl will stay engaged if the plan is clear, and they know what is expected. #tchatEmilie Mecklenborg
MT @anitaloomba A4 Personal bonding imprtnt. If meeting in person is possible – do it. Reward team & members is impo for engagemnt. #TchatJoe Sanchez
A4. Open, frequent communication and user friendly technology #tchat @Ray_anneGarret Meikle
MRT @brentskinner: @beverly_davis: A3: Build lasting relationship w/ team based on fair pay, having voice & growth opportunities. #tchatPlatinum Resource
A4) Via message boards and telegraph. Smoke signals and carrier pigeons. #tchatDerek Tacconelli
RT @FaronicsHR: RT @socialmediasean: A4:Internal & external social networks are awesome to keep connected. #TChatSMS Social HR
@Ray_anne A4: Stay connected on Facebook and other social media channels to keep up with “water cooler” news remotely #tchatWork4 Labs
A4: You have to have a reliable plan of communication for distance teams. You cannot connect w/o “connection” #tchat Jen Olney
RT @sanchezjb: MT @anitaloomba A4 Personal bonding imprtnt. If meeting in person is possible do it. Reward team & members #tchatTerri Klass
Again, metrics are key! @husamerciyes @tombolt @cyndytrivella A4 “realistic goals” & “open communication” + metrics = engaged #tchatJodie Garrison
RT @MeghanMBiro: IRL Deepens relationships. Zero question. @kathyherndon: A4: Videoconferencing – face time is so valuable #TChatRob McGahen
#tchat A4: impt to to recognize not all ppl WANT to socialize/engage “out” of work. They are still productive and shouldn’t be “punished”Erin Hommeland
RT @DerekTac: A4) Via message boards and telegraph. Smoke signals and carrier pigeons. #tchatTerri Klass
RT @garretmeikle: A4. Open, frequent communication and user friendly technology #tchat @Ray_anneJen Olney
MT @CzarinaofHR A4 To have engaged team, leader must 1st succeed @ balancing individual needs of team members w/ the needs of team #TChatTalentCulture
Snail mail, blimps..RT @DerekTac: A4) Via message boards and telegraph. Smoke signals and carrier pigeons. #tchatPlatinum Resource
Sounds like my last gig 🙂 RT @terriklass: RT @DerekTac: A4) Via message boards and telegraph. Smoke signals and carrier pigeons. #tchatJen Olney
RT @gingerconsult A4: You have to have a reliable plan of communication for distance teams. You cannot connect w/o “connection” #tchatTalentCulture
RT @EmilieMeck: RT @EHommeland: #tchat A4: high quality ppl will stay engaged if the plan is clear, and they know what is expected. #tchatPatty Swisher
Hmm…how old school is TOO old school…RT @DerekTac: A4) Via message boards and telegraph. Smoke signals and carrier pigeons. #tchatTalentCulture
Fax 😀 RT @PRGWest: Snail mail, blimps..RT @DerekTac: A4) Via message boards and telegraph. Smoke signals and carrier pigeons. #tchatDerek Tacconelli
Whatever it takes > RT@DerekTac: A4) Via message boards and telegraph. Smoke signals and carrier pigeons. #tchatCASUDI
A4 – weekly group hugs? #tchatTim Baker, CHRP
RT @TalentCulture: MT @CzarinaofHR A4 To have engaged team, leader must 1st succeed @ balancing individual needs w/ the needs of team #tchatTerri Klass
+1 RT @gingerconsult A4: You have to have a reliable plan of communication for distance teams. You cannot connect w/o “connection” #tchat -Anita
RT @gingerconsult: RT @garretmeikle: A4. Open, frequent communication and user friendly technology #tchat @Ray_anneRayanne
A4: C level / leadership must first show their engagement and be transparent in & out of the workplace #tchatAlfredo Arcieri
A ha ha. Yes? +1 @TimBakerHR: A4 – weekly group hugs? #TChatMeghan M. Biro
Must be 100% germ free, of course! RT @TimBakerHR A4 – weekly group hugs? #tchatTalentCulture
Not if you’re FB snob! RT @ITtechExec: A4: they can stay engaged via Facebook 😉 #TChatSheree Van Vreede
A4 Some people just love fax machines. What can we do to get them off those clunkers? #tchatDerek Tacconelli
AND Regarding TEAMS, in and out of the office: Q5: Where & what is technology’s impact in all this? #TChatRayanne
Yep I’ve been on hi-perf teams w/o fuzzy stuff: RT @BarbBuckner A4 Teammates must have relationships to WANT to engage in/out of work #tchatExpertus
RT @MeghanMBiro: A ha ha. Yes? +1 @TimBakerHR: A4 – weekly group hugs? #TChatBlogMutt
A5: Whew! Tech? the impact is HUGE. Imagine your worklife today if there were no internet… #tchatRayanne
A5. Technology opens to door to virtual communication and connects all the team members. #tchatTerri Klass
#Tchat A5 Technology is major player in how we communicate, do business & interact with ppl. Embrace technology wisely & it’s your friend.Cyndy Trivella
A5. Technology is making it easier for teams to collaborate on their own time. when they feel influenced. #TChatInsperity Careers
A5 – real time communication when not together – just ensure context comes throug #tchatTim Baker, CHRP
A5 – technology makes it instant communication – no more waiting for a call back –
everyone is 24/7 connected now! #tchatRichard S Pearson
A5 Technology enables us to connect in real-time; tools like Skype can facilitate team engagement from anywhere #TchatClaire Crossley
A5: Allows for frequent & effective communication w/out the barriers of location & schedule conflicts. #Tchat @TalentCulture @Ray_anneprettypinkponies
A5: Technology’s impact depends on what you use, why you use it and how… don’t just “use” something if its not going to fit #TChatBarb Buckner
A5: Again with the connective hardware and software tissues of choice. 😉 #tchatKevin W. Grossman
A5 Technology has made it a bigger and smaller playing work field – all at once. #tchatLouise DiCarlo
A5: Tech can help, but its not the whole solution, its always about people! @Ray_anne: #TChatLynette Patterson
A5. Technology can help a team feel that they are seated beside one another even if they are miles apart. #tchatTerri Klass
A5: It’s everywhere! Teams can be available anywhere, 24×7, and not have to rush into the office in the middle of the night #tchatJoshua Barger
A5: Technology dissolves borders and makes connecting easy. People are a phone call, keyboard click, away. #tchatEmilie Mecklenborg
@Ray_anne A5: Technology is crucial for keeping geographically untethered team members tethered to each other #tchatWork4 Labs
#tchat. A5: Pretend technology stopped today. Visualize the impact…Its vital!Early Careerists
A5: Allows for frequent & effective communication w/out the barriers of location & schedule conflicts. #3PCconnect #3PChat #Tchatprettypinkponies
A5: Technology that includes project mgmt tools, EM, IM, internet, CRMs, soooo much has changed over last 10 yrs. #tchatRayanne
#TChat A5 – Tech makes it easier to stay connected, up to date. As we all know recruiting moves fast.Michael!
A5: Technology serves as the platform. Salesforce, SharePoint are great examples as well as Google + Hangouts and Skype #tchatJen Olney
A5: It keeps us connected over long distances. But stay relevant, technology gets old quick! #tchatRob McGahen
A5: I love technology and how it has changed my job. Actually, I changed jobs because of tech. #tchatRayanne
A5: First of all, we wouldn’t have #tchatPlatinum Resource
A5 Technology and handy tools can enhance collaboration, communication & engagement but they’re only as good as the user behind them #TChatLinda Jonas
A5 – can you young ones imagine snail mailing a letter, waiting for a snail mail reply before a decision could be made!!!! #tchatRichard S Pearson
A5: Companies must recognize the need for speed of change or they will get left behind. #Innovation #tchatRayanne
A5. Technology has made the world “flat” so we can touch one another easily. #tchatTerri Klass
A5: Technology can be an asset and a hinderance….use it well but don’t become completely dependable #TChatBarb Buckner
A5 Good project management software would still be a focus. I think Jostle has a team update capability. #tchatMarla Gottschalk PhD
A5: Again, imagine no internet as part of your work #tchatRayanne
#TChat A5 – Tech lets us be proactive much quicker. Social Media tech has “reintroduced human factor” back into overall tech advancementMichael!
A5 – tech. makes it possible to nip misunderstandings in the bud. Solve problems before they mushroom into something big! #tchat Richard S Pearson
A5. Technology has a big impact. It makes/breaks the success of a virtual team. #tchatAnita
A5: Two words: Big Data – people can leverage information in ways we couldn’t 5 years ago. #tchatJoshua Barger
A5: Email tends to be too ineffective for some to use, better is a phone call or F2F via skype if the message is sensitive #tchatJen Olney
A5: Technology has given many of us the gift of mobility for work & play #tchatSean Charles
A5: Without tech, the “traditional” business model remains supreme. And that’s just boring. #tchatBlogMutt
A5 technology is a blessing and a curse; anyone really feel good about receiving an electronic handshake? #tchatSteve Levy
A5: Tech great enabler, but shldnt replace fundamentals #TchatStephen Van Vreede
A5: without the technology we wouldn’t even be having this discussion #TChatSylvia Dahlby
A5: Technology has made it possible to pay for only the work you want done and not another employee. #tchatBeverly Davis
#TChat A5 – tech allows us to engage candidate in many new avenues, often breaking down communication barriers (generational &/or cultural)Michael!
A5 Technology has an impact on multiple levels and enabled enormous gains in efficiencies #tchat @Ray_anneGarret Meikle
A5: Technology is a powerful tool, but it has to be (a) used and (b) understood how to be used #TChatJess ‘Babs’ Bahr
A5. Technology is great but don’t forget about the phone sometimes. #tchatTerri Klass
A5 Technology is KEY ~ NO, PEOPLE using technology is KEY #tchatCASUDI
A5: Technology has made us available 24/7 but has also helped us forget how to “disconnect” from time to time…teams need breaks too #TChatBarb Buckner
A5: Technology has given many of us the gift of mobility for work & play #tchatSMS Social HR
A5: The ineffective #leader today is exposed as such much faster, and it’s b/c of #tech. #TChatBrent Skinner
A5 tech isn’t a cure for bad culture or comm; as an early adopter of social media b4 it was called SM, I now focus on high touch #tchatSteve Levy
Absolutely!! “@CASUDI: A5 Technology is KEY ~ NO, PEOPLE using technology is KEY #tchat”Claire Crossley
A5: technology allows companies to discover customer’s needs and provide a solution that could be implemented instantly #tchatAlfredo Arcieri
#TChat – A5 – Technology is great, however need to remember human interaction basics to use it successfully when dealing with people.Michael!
Yes! MT @levyrecruits A5 tech isnt a cure for bad culture/comm; as an early adopter of social media, I now focus on high touch #TChatJess ‘Babs’ Bahr
A5: Preponderance of #tech leaves #leaders & #teammates w/nary an excuse for bad #leadership or bad #teamwork. #TChatBrent Skinner
A5 Tech can enhance and reinforce what a leader has already developed. Not a “dirty” word. #tchatMarla Gottschalk PhD
#Tchat A5 Technology changed the face of biz. Some good things & some bad. Personal interaction suffers, so we need 2 work hard 2 maintain.Cyndy Trivella
A5: And don’t forget that tech for tech sake can overcomplicate a simple task. Tech not always most efficient. #TChatTom Bolt
A5: Levy is right tech is not the be all end all. It can destroy life outside of work if you let it – needs to be turned off at times #tchatRichard S Pearson
A5: Tech has opened up many great opportunities for biz…but also opened more opportunities for error…must stay engaged! #tchatTim Baker, CHRP
A5: Just ask @Oracle about importance of evolving tech with their new #oraclecloud social enterprise solution #TChatSean Charles
A5. Technology has unfortunately deleted a work/life balance. #tchatTerri Klass
Very important @TomBolt: A5: And dont forget that tech for tech sake can overcomplicate a simple task Tech not always most efficient. #TChatJess ‘Babs’ Bahr
#tchat A5: I say this a lot but it bears repeating: Technology is a tool and is only as good as the person using it.Erin Hommeland
A5: Technology allows workers in Brazil to get paid overtime to check email after hours #TChatSean Charles
A5 As w/team processes, must choose tools that fit tasks/players/envionment. Not always easy in a fluid, diverse world w/many choices #tchatExpertus
#TChat A5 – Tech is a great way to be introduced to someone. whenever possible, face to face meeting is still the bestMichael!
A5: biggest threat to successful technology adoption is doing too much at once. Manage change #tchatAlfredo Arcieri
Just ‘cuz we feel like it, another huge THANK YOU to the entire #TChat community! #socbiz #leadership
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