This week, approximately 15,000 members of the world of work descend upon Atlanta for the SHRM 2012 Annual Conference & Exposition. If you’re in the crowd listening to Malcolm Gladwell, Jim Collins, and Tom Brokaw, consider how such international perspectives affect the world that we currently work in. Of course we need to worry about jobs here right in the United States as well. It’s a balance. When Condoleezza Rice is speaking, ponder how the former U.S. Secretary of State would describe the state of the modern global workforce.
As HR people and leaders we’re reminded daily that it’s a global workplace. We can’t be provincial and closed — we are urged to adapt human capital management practices to accommodate the trend toward globalization, proactive leadership, distributed workforces and Internet economies. Here at SHRM’s national conference, the speaker lineup and agenda are heavy on these themes, with a healthy sprinkling of reports on HR technologies cropping up to help us manage talent in a global workforce.
But is it really a small world after all when it comes to human capital management? Is it possible to balance a global workforce so it functions as one big happy team? Can domestic leadership spur international success? This week’s #TChat will discuss questions central to managing human capital in a global market. We’ll debate how — or if — leaders are adapting to what’s new in the global management of talent. Why? It’s part of our quest to get to the heart of the matter: What’s really new, and news, about the global workforce.
From anywhere, be sure to tune in to #TChat on Wednesday from 7-8 pm ET (6-7 pm CT, 4-5 pm PT, or wherever you are). As always, we’ll be asking five questions, which you’ll see below. NPR’s Lars Schmidt, a.k.a. @thisislars, was gracious enough to list #TChat among the hashtags for #SHRM12 attendees to follow. If you’re among 15,000 newfound friends, don’t be afraid to encourage them to participate, too — the more the merrier, especially when we have such an exciting topic to discuss:
Q1: *Is* it a small world after all when it comes to human capital management?
Q2: Aren’t we global already? How are leaders adapting to what’s new in the global management of talent?
Q3: Is an honest-to-goodness globalization of the workforce really possible? If so, how?
Q4: Who is leading the global workforce into the future and how?
Q5: How is #hrtech accelerating globalization or holding it back? Is it doing one or the other or both? How so?
There to field your many tweets, will be yours truly (@MeghanMBiro) and Kevin W. Grossman (@KevinWGrossman), as well as Sean Charles (@SocialMediaSean), Salima Nathoo (@SocialSalima) and Brent Skinner (@BrentSkinner). We’re looking forward to Wednesday, and whether you’re in your own neck of the woods this week, or here in Atlanta, for the event, we hope to hear from you at #TChat. Your wisdom drives our community.
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