Originally posted by Chris Jones, a TalentCulture contributing writer. He is an IT Strategy & Change Management consultant, with a passion for driving new levels of engagement and learning in the modern organization. His research areas include the dynamics of organization culture, and more recently, the importance and implications of critical thinking. Check out his blog, Driving Innovation in a Complex World, for more.
If I had a nickel for every person that scoffed at social media, aka Web 2.0, I could take my kids to a movie. I have 3 kids, so do the math. That’s a lot of naysayers.
As I try to get to the core of the Web 2.0 adoption problem, I see a simple frustration: people don’t want to deal with an endless stream of new followers and friends, many showering you with waves of tom foolery, pointless status updates, inane games, and the like.
You see it on Facebook the most, but Twitter can offer more of the same. In many ways, it can seem overwhelming.
Break-through thinking.
Looking past all that noise and ignoring the games, there is significant value.
Look closely.
The basic idea is that connecting with a few of these new people can open doors to insight and value on a variety of levels. After all, most of us enjoy interacting with others. New, expanded relationships can bring more perspective, depth, and balance to our daily grind.
There’s also signficant value to be found in connecting with a larger community. These have a variety of memberships or themes. If you are into blogging, education reform, marketing, local networking – you name it – there are like-minded groups springing up all the time. Joining the conversation in these groups gets you new friends, new ideas, and a chance to expand your perspective in each area.
In many ways it starts with your willingness to engage, to suspend resistance that may be programmed in by culture or habit, and to open your mind.
What’s in it for me?
Here are some new areas to think about:
– learning, via dialog (not just searching) on specific topics or ideas
– customized news feeds (using hashtags & news sources of interest) with conversation to explore/expand
– social networks
– professional networks
– engagement on social change initiatives
– expanding resources for hobbies and other leisure pursuits
– casual conversation
Any and all are possible. None are required. You can spend as much or as little time each day as you have available. Cup of coffee? Just the right amount of time to connect to the grid, see what’s happening in your social space, before you get on with your day.
While the opportunities listed are diverse, behind each one you will find interested, engaged people. They are, much like you, interested in learning more, understanding more, and connecting more. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t be there. They are more than likely going to value your insight and participation, because they’re taking the time to be connected. Just by investing in social media, they are saying,
‘Ok, I’m in. Here’s what I’m bringing to the table’.
To me, that’s a catalyst for an exchange. A reason to connect. Someone has sparked a conversation that I have some perspective on. My response? Usually along the lines of:
‘Oh really? That’s interesting, I was wondering about that too. Let’s compare notes.’
Just maybe, it’s the start of something. A chance for some new common ground. A moment to share a smile, a laugh, or an interesting point of view. A seed has been planted. From there, many things are possible.
Start today.
Get a free Twitter account. Download a free copy of TweetDeck. Read up a little on hashtags and open your mind.
Ultimately, all that’s required is some thought to your goals, a small investment of daily time in your network, and the willingness to try something new. The benefit? The world at your doorstep. Seems like a worthwhile investment to me. A few nickels in the fountain of opportunity.
What are you waiting for?
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