This Friday is tattoo day at work. Seriously. Tattoo day.
Everyone in our team is encouraged to display meaningful “appropriate” tattoos and the stories behind them. Any form is acceptable — permanent body art, decals, even hand-drawn creations. (Want to join the fun from a distance? Keep an eye on my Twitter stream for some inspired ink.)
The Art of Business Culture
Sure, this sounds a little hokey, like “Hawaiian shirt day.” But that’s the charm. It’s a simple, lighthearted way for us to interact, learn about one another, and gel as a team. What could be wrong with that?
The fact is — today’s crazy-busy world of work assaults us with constant change. It forces us to adapt, and adapt, and adapt again. But in rolling with all the changes, we can easily lose touch with people who are in the trenches with us. Injecting a little camaraderie into the day-to-day flow helps us create, reinforce and enhance our culture. For a company that has absorbed multiple acquisitions in the past two years, that can be a tough sell. But we’re making the case for continuous cultural connections, from the top down and the inside out.
And yes, as I said, along with the fun comes learning. We’re learning in general, and individually from one another. When fun is purposeful and persistent, it actually sticks.
According to Bersin by Deloitte 2014 workforce predictions :
“The traditional definition of a ‘highly engaged’ employee is one who delivers discretionary effort. What leads someone to deliver ‘discretionary effort?’ Our research shows it takes a working environment that is friendly, flexible, fulfilling and purposeful.”
Change Agents and Purposeful Symbols
This week’s #TChat Events guest, Fortune 500 executive leadership advisor, columnist, and author, Mike Myatt , would agree. On #TChat Radio , he noted that the most vibrant, valuable business cultures are built by design. They’re “very purposed and intentioned — creating a place where people actually want to come.”
(Editor’s Note: See full #TChat Event highlights and resource links at the end of this post.)
So, ask yourself these questions:
• How purposeful is your company culture? Even if you lead an organization of one, what are your intentions? Knowing that commitment to culture is integral to business success, are you clear with your employees (and yourself) that you’re here to stay and play? Don’t let your culture slip away through unintentional behavior. Choose to make it stick.
• What’s the shape of your cultural tattoo? I’m not an ink kind of person, but I don’t disparage those who are. In fact, throughout history, great leaders have bound tribes together with powerful visual symbols. In today’s organizations we may think of them as brands, but why shouldn’t meaningful symbols bind work tribes, as well? They do fulfill a primal need for identification and belonging. Does your employer brand accomplish that mission?
Hey — if you show me your tat, I’ll show you mine. On purpose.
For more insights on this topic, check out the highlights and resource links below from this week’s #TChat conversation . Thanks to everyone who contributed ideas and opinions! Your contributions helped bring the concept of “culture makeovers” to life!
#TChat Week-In-Review: Leading a Culture Makeover
SUN 1/5:
Watch the #TChat sneak peek hangout now
#TChat Preview: TalentCulture Community Manager, Tim McDonald , framed the week’s topic in a post featuring a variety of related blog posts, and a “sneak peek” hangout video with guest, Mike Myatt , author of the new book, “Hacking Leadership. ” Read the Preview now: “New Year, New Company Culture? ”
MON 1/6: Post: TalentCulture CEO, Meghan M. Biro suggested multiple ideas for leaders who need to drive cultural change. Read “5 Ways to Recognize Your TalentCulture. ”
WED 1/8:
Listen now to the #TChat Radio replay
#TChat Radio : Host Meghan M. Biro , spoke with Mike Myatt about the role that leaders play in transforming organizational cultures — focusing on several real-world examples. Listen to the #TChat Radio replay…
#TChat Twitter: Immediately following the radio show, Meghan and Mike joined the TalentCulture community on the #TChat Twitter stream , as Nancy Rubin moderated a dynamic open conversation, centered on 5 related questions. See highlights in the Storify slideshow below:
#TChat Insights: New Year, New Company Culture?
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Closing Notes & What’s Ahead
GRATITUDE: Thanks again to Mike Myatt for sharing your perspectives on how to drive meaningful organizational change. We value your time, your thoughtful ideas and your expertise!
NOTE TO BLOGGERS: Did this week’s events prompt you to write about organizational culture and change? We welcome your thoughts. Post a link on Twitter (include #TChat or @TalentCulture ), or insert a comment below, and we’ll pass it along.
WHAT’S AHEAD: Our month of forward-thinking #TChat Events continues on Wednesday, January 15, when @appendTo CEO, Mike Hostetler , helps us take a closer look at remote workplaces — specifically, what makes virtual models work. More details to follow.
Meanwhile, the TalentCulture conversation continues daily on the #TChat Twitter stream, our LinkedIn discussion group. and elsewhere on social media. So join us anytime — don’t be shy.
We’ll see you on the stream!
Image Credit: Stock.xchng
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