A healthy organization is built and runs on the idea that people are respected for what unique strength they bring to the table. A strength-based organization runs on this idea and creates employees who are actively engaged in their work. This results in better productivity, retention and profitability in the long run.
Join this week’s #WorkTrends chat as we discuss a better way to create strengths-based organizations. Although this idea has been around for over a decade, most organizations have “false-started” on it. We will explore why this “false start” has happened and why it’s time to try a new approach. A truly strengths-based company is the competitive organization of the future – come learn more from author Josh Allan Dykstra.
Building Strength-Based Organizations

Tune in to our LIVE online podcast Wednesday, July 13 — 1 pm ET / 10 am PT
Join TalentCulture #WorkTrends Host Meghan M. Biro and guest Josh Allan Dykstra as they discuss how to build better strength based organizations.
#WorkTrends on Twitter — Wednesday, July 13 — 1:30 pm ET / 10:30 am PT
Immediately following the podcast, the team invites the TalentCulture community over to the #WorkTrends Twitter stream to continue the discussion. We encourage everyone with a Twitter account to participate as we gather for a live chat, focused on these related questions:
Q1. How can an organization become more strengths-based? #WorkTrends (Tweet the question)
Q2. What are some ways to capitalize on individual strengths? #WorkTrends (Tweet the question)
Q3. In what ways can a strengths-based business outperform other organizations? #WorkTrends (Tweet the question)
Don’t want to wait until next Wednesday to join the conversation? You don’t have to. We invite you to check out the #WorkTrends Twitter feed, our TalentCulture World of Work Community, LinkedIn group, and in our TalentCulture G+ community. Feel free to drop by anytime and share your questions, ideas and opinions. See you there!
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