Encouraging emotional connections between managers and employees is the key to better performance and improved employee engagement. Heart-Centered Leadership is centered on the concept that ethical leadership must start from within; it’s based on seven principles that promote trust, authenticity, caring and transparency.
We are excited to talk with Susan Steinbrecher, leadership expert and co-author of Heart-Centered Leadership, on this week’s #WorkTrends show. We are looking forward to hearing her explanation of the seven principles and why this leadership philosophy has proven successful.
Heart-Centered Leadership: Leading & Living Well
Tune in to our LIVE online podcast Wednesday, May 18 — 1 pm ET / 10 am PT
Join TalentCulture #WorkTrends Guest Host Tim McDonald and guest Susan Steinbrecher as they discuss the principles of heart-centered leadership.
#WorkTrends on Twitter — Wednesday, May 18 — 1:30 pm ET / 10:30 am PT
Immediately following the podcast, the team invites the TalentCulture community over to the #WorkTrends Twitter stream to continue the discussion. We encourage everyone with a Twitter account to participate as we gather for a dynamic live chat, focused on these related questions:
Q1. What is Heart-Centered Leadership? #WorkTrends (Tweet the question)
Q2. What are the benefits of emotional connections between managers and employees? #WorkTrends (Tweet the question)
Q3: How can people learn to practice Heart-Centered Leadership? #WorkTrends (Tweet the question)
Don’t want to wait until next Wednesday to join the conversation? You don’t have to. We invite you to check out the #WorkTrends Twitter feed, our TalentCulture World of Work Community, LinkedIn group, and in our TalentCulture G+ community. Feel free to drop by anytime and share your questions, ideas and opinions. See you there!
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photo credit: Attenzione, pericolo di cuori in fiamme! via photopin (license)
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