If you have ever felt isolated at work or in life, you know what a difference it can make to be reminded that you matter.
That’s exactly what Cheryl Rice wants to do through the 2nd annual You Matter Marathon, which starts today.
Cheryl started the You Matter Marathon (which, by the way, does not involve running) when a colleague gave her a simple card that said, “You Matter.” Cheryl herself became inspired by how one simple act transformed her outlook and started handing out her own You Matter cards.
When Cheryl decided to expand the kindness initiative by creating the You Matter Marathon last year, 14,000 people in 50 states and 59 countries shared almost half-a-million cards. Many companies, schools, and community organizations benefited from participating. This brief video highlights some of the people (and animals!) involved.
In this #WorkTrends chat, we will talk about how you can be involved in the You Matter Marathon. In addition, we’ll talk about empathy in general and how relationships can improve by infusing an empathetic approach to interactions.
“We’re living in a world where people crave connection, yet feel more isolated than ever. Every one of us is here for a reason. We are all essential. We need, and are needed by, each other,” says Cheryl.
She is right, and after today’s conversation I think we’ll all be inspired to make sure someone in our orbit knows “you matter.”
Join #WorkTrends host Meghan R. Biro and guest Cheryl Rice, Founder of the You Matter Marathon, on Wednesday, November 1, 2017, at 1 pm ET as they discuss how empathy can make a difference in the workplace and how simple actions — even two simple words — can make a difference.
Kicking Off the You Matter Marathon
Join Meghan and Cheryl on our LIVE online podcast Wednesday, November 1, 2017 at 1 pm ET | 10 am PT.
Immediately following the podcast, the team invites the TalentCulture community over to the #WorkTrends Twitter stream to continue the discussion. We encourage everyone with a Twitter account to participate as we gather for a live chat, focused on these related questions:
Q1: How can showing empathy with co-workers improve the culture? #WorkTrends (Tweet this question)
Q2: What are the benefits of a kindness initiative within a company? #WorkTrends (Tweet this question)
Q3: How does improving positive connections impact business and community?#WorkTrends (Tweet this question)
Don’t want to wait until next Wednesday to join the conversation? You don’t have to. I invite you to check out the #WorkTrends Twitter feed and our TalentCulture World of Work Community LinkedIn group. Share your questions, ideas and opinions with our awesome community.
Photo Credit: neilfrazerhallam Flickr via Compfight cc
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