The recruitment process has become increasingly impersonal–for both candidates and recruiters – and it’s obvious both sides aren’t satisfied with the experience. The challenge? Each side has very different ideas about what makes the other side tick–and what needs to be done to improve the experience.
At its surface, finding a job or a new employee is a high-touch, personal, and interactive process–much like dating. And akin to the dating world, over-complicating an interaction between two parties is not always the most effective approach to make a successful match. In fact, simplification is really where connections between candidates and employers begin to happen. After all, employers and candidates are both on the search for the perfect match.
We’re excited to talk with Rebecca Macek, Director of Recruitment at CareerBuilder, on this week’s #WorkTrends show. We are looking forward to hearing her simple but effective tactics any business can use to get back to the best-recruiting basics.
Rethinking the Candidate Experience and Making Better Hires

Tune in to our LIVE online podcast Wednesday, May 11 — 1 pm ET / 10 am PT
Join TalentCulture #WorkTrends Host Meghan M. Biro and guest Rebecca Macek as they discuss how to use social media effectively for business.
#WorkTrends on Twitter — Wednesday, May 11 — 1:30 pm ET / 10:30 am PT
Immediately following the podcast, the team invites the TalentCulture community over to the #WorkTrends Twitter stream to continue the discussion. We encourage everyone with a Twitter account to participate as we gather for a dynamic live chat, focused on these related questions:
Q1. What are the first questions candidates should ask? #WorkTrends (Tweet the question)
Q2. What basic recruiting tactic is often overlooked? #WorkTrends (Tweet the question)
Q3. What is the key to a great candidate experience? #WorkTrends (Tweet the question)
Until then, we’ll keep the discussion going on the #WorkTrends Twitter feed, our TalentCulture World of Work Community LinkedIn group, and in our TalentCulture G+ community. Feel free to drop by anytime and share your questions, ideas and opinions. See you there!
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Photo Credit: donnyjean via Compfight cc
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