Reports of workplace violence are increasing in the news. In April, a shooting at North Park Elementary School resulted in the murder of a teacher (the gunman’s wife), the death by suicide of the gunman, and the related death of a student who had been standing near the teacher.
Besides the obvious price of lives lost, workplace violence costs US companies $8.3 billion annually. Felix Nater of Nater Solutions, Ltd., works with manufacturing, processing, and production firms as well as other organizations to provide for safe/nonviolent workplaces through the application of holistic violence interdiction strategies.
Since this is Domestic Violence Awareness month, this #WorkTrends episode will focus on how the effects of domestic violence at home may be manifested at the victim’s workplace too.
Felix says that about 70% of employers do not have policies, plans or procedures in place to address this serious workplace violence issue. He has developed a research-based approach to helping people understand the warning signs that a problem has been developing and address it early on.
This #WorkTrends chat will explain how to create a culture of non-violence that promotes safety and awareness. We will clear up common misunderstandings and learn about human resources’ role in responding to the potential for workplace threats.
Join #WorkTrends host Mark Babbitt, President at WorqIQ and CEO, YouTern, and his guest Felix Nater, certified security consultant and President of Nater Associates, Ltd., on Wednesday, October 11, 2017, at 1 pm ET as they discuss how to create a culture of trust with a holistic plan for addressing workplace violence.
The Effects of Domestic Violence in the Workplace
Join Mark and Felix on our LIVE online podcast Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 1 pm ET | 10 am PT.
Immediately following the podcast, the team invites the TalentCulture community over to the #WorkTrends Twitter stream to continue the discussion. We encourage everyone with a Twitter account to participate as we gather for a live chat, focused on these related questions:
Q1: How can brands prevent domestic violence spillover in the workplace? #WorkTrends (Tweet this Question)
Q2: What steps can HR take to create a non-violent culture? #WorkTrends (Tweet this Question)
Q3: How can employees recognize and report suspicions of violence?#WorkTrends (Tweet this Question)
Don’t want to wait until next Wednesday to join the conversation? You don’t have to. I invite you to check out the #WorkTrends Twitter feed and our TalentCulture World of Work Community LinkedIn group. Share your questions, ideas and opinions with our awesome community.
Photo Credit: Noguchi Porter Novelli Flickr via Compfight cc
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