Snapchat, Blab, Instagram, Periscope, Facebook Live, the list is growing… Live video has exploded onto the scene and now everyone can emulate their favorite talk show host. While video has been around for a while and we’ve witnessed YouTube sensations become legitimate celebrities, this is a whole new breed of social media.
Next week, special guest host Tim McDonald and guest Brian Fanzo, millennial speaker and change evangelist, will join the #WorkTrends show to dig into the current trend and future promise of live streaming video across all industries.
The Explosion of Live Video

Tune in to our LIVE online podcast Wednesday, June 22 — 1 pm ET / 10 am PT
Join TalentCulture #WorkTrends guest host Tim McDonald and guest Brian Fanzo as they discuss the explosion of live video online.
#WorkTrends on Twitter — Wednesday, June 22 — 1:30 pm ET / 10:30 am PT
Immediately following the podcast, the team invites the TalentCulture community over to the #WorkTrends Twitter stream to continue the discussion. We encourage everyone with a Twitter account to participate as we gather for a live chat, focused on these related questions:
Q1. Why is live video streaming so hot for job seekers, employees and brands? #WorkTrends (Tweet the question)
Q2. What new applications do you foresee for video and live streaming?#WorkTrends (Tweet the question)
Q3. What talent strategies can be revolutionized by using live video? #WorkTrends (Tweet the question)
Don’t want to wait until next Wednesday to join the conversation? You don’t have to. We invite you to check out the #WorkTrends Twitter feed, our TalentCulture World of Work Community, LinkedIn group, and in our TalentCulture G+ community. Feel free to drop by anytime and share your questions, ideas and opinions. See you there!
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photo credit: On Air via photopin (license)
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