During today’s #WorkTrends show, we discussed the importance of forgetting the old “work-life balance myth” and how to start LIFEworking. #WorkTrends Founder and Host Meghan M. Biro was joined by Tim McDonald and Ayelet Baron, Co-Founders of CreatingIs and LIFEworking.
While we have been led to believe that we can separate our personal and work personas, we are only one person. We don’t need to have a separation or a balancing act. It’s really about blending work into our lives.
During the event, we learned more about LIFEworking. At its heart, this strategy meshes life and work into an integrated existence. Most importantly, it is a way of living in which the individual and not the organization defines the meaning of success.
To achieve ideal LIFEworking results, we need to first understand what success really means for us, and then systematically address the fears that stand in the way of change. These fears typically relate to personal anxiety and the social consequences of choice.
It was a lively #WorkTrends podcast and Twitter conversation. Participants had a lot to share about the topic, making for another successful #WorkTrends show.
Want to learn more from today’s event? Listen to the recording . Thank you to all the TalentCulture sponsors, partners and supporters!
The TalentCulture #WorkTrends Show is all new on Wednesday, February 24, 2016, from 1-2 pm ET (10-11 am PT). Join TalentCulture #WorkTrends Show Founder and Host Meghan M. Biro as she talks about Leadership Lessons from Superheroes with author and leadership expert David Kahn.
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Image credit: StockSnap.io
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