Tonight, #TChat-ers took to Twitter and made their voices heard loud and clear on #TChat Events, even if it was only through a 140 characters. The reason being is because our community, along with this week’s guest: Michael H. Ballard , a resiliency expert who specializes in developing and delivering workplace programs, know that building a culture of workplace resiliency is about adaptability and creating a model that allows it to flourish in. It’s not about finger pointing or being afraid to fail. It’s about getting back up when you get knocked down. What other way can we move forward if we don’t?
The #TChat discussion began by asking a simple question, what is a resilient workplace?
Michael brings up an interesting point about giving employees the training required to problem solve and create. Without the right kind of guidance and model for employees to apply their set of skills, then how does workplace resiliency ever get built?
Yes, a resilient workplace should be able to adapt quickly to its own strategies and goals. It has to create a model for resiliency.
It’s through this model that leaders and organizations can promote trust, transparency, and optimism that harness cohesive awesomeness around your workplace. Remember…
Resiliency has the resources (trust) and tools (transparency) to bridge leadership and employee engagement together.
Want To See The #TChat Replay?
[<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story ” Designing A Culture Of Resiliency” on Storify</a>]
Closing Notes & What’s Ahead
Thanks again to our guest Michael Ballard for teaching us how to build a culture of resiliency. Click here to see the preview!
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Now you know. Click the box to head on over to our channel or listen to How to Build a Culture of Resiliency .
Note To Bloggers: Did this week’s events prompt you to write about trends on resilient workplaces?
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Save The Date: Wednesday, May 14!
The TalentCulture conversation continues daily on #TChat Twitter, in our LinkedIn group , and on our new Google+ community . So join us anytime on your favorite social channels!
Photo Credit: Lean In Collection, Getty Images
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