Thinking about applying for a new job? Make sure that you keep your social media profiles updated and crisp, because recruiters these days are queuing up on websites like Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter to get the best of the lot. If on the contrary you’re hiring, then make sure that you go through a chunk of digital profiles and do extensive social hiring research on prospective applicants.
Recruitment Today – What’s Trending?
Among the wide variety of recruitment portals, corporate career sites and direct sourcing have seen a lull when compared to social networking sites, mobile sites, and industry referrals. Based on Jobvite’s annual Social Recruiting Survey, 69 % recruiters expect a surge in competition in 2015, which is why they have made plans to invest in referrals (63%), mobile strategies (51%), along with massive emphasis on social recruiting (73%).
These stats encourage recruiters to turn to social media to interact with candidates, engage in useful discussions, and check their brand loyalty. The icing on the cake is that you get to test them even before you meet them. If you’re turning to social media for full time requirement, remember to work twice as hard, because only 18 % of recruiters consider themselves to be experts at it.
Job Hunting? Try Networking Sites!
Social media wins major points in hiring due to its accessibility. Whether you’re holidaying in Hawaii, or are based in the remote villages of India, you can participate and rise up to global challenges. If you’re a job seeker looking to prep yourself during your job search, you can showcase your personal branding to recruiters by using networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn. Give prospective employers a glimpse into your creative side by sprucing up your resume with attention-grabbing videos crazy images. When these go viral, you win brownie points as you’ll definitely be noticed by recruiters. If you’re looking to convert a hobby into your profession, then Pinterest is a great platform to build your online reputation. Blog sites are also helpful, as they carry a weightage of 7 % when it comes to being hired.
Mobile Is In
Take a quick look around you and you’re sure to find a majority of your peers glued to their phones. According to the findings of Jobvite’s study, close to 43% job seekers are looking for employment on mobile-optimized sites, but 59 % recruiters have invested nothing in this niche segment. If you use a mobile hiring, the quality of your candidates is raised by a whopping 13%, while the quantity shoots up by 19%. You also stand a 10 % higher chance of getting referrals on mobile sites.
Who’s Leading?
The spotlight of social media hiring is focussed on three top sites. It is no surprise that the majority of recruiters have hired candidates through LinkedIn (79 %). Facebook and Twitter are next in the line, with statistics pointing to 26% and 14 % respectively. So whether you’re hiring or looking to be hired, make sure you have a sizeable online presence that adds credibility to your brand.
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