Inner workplace support is an important characteristic that impacts the positive nature of your company culture. Once your workforce is given proper access to support, higher productivity flourishes naturally.
Support is something all humans want, need and crave. Support comes in many forms and can be given in words or actions. Workers spend more time at their workplace with their co-workers than anywhere else in a work week, which means the workplace is where many employees look for support on a daily basis. Employers can support workers in many ways, the most direct being financially as they provide the livelihood that allows an employee to provide for their life necessities.
However, there are many other ways that an employer can support employees at every level throughout the organization. Some of the major areas where employers can demonstrate support are:
One of the most important elements for a successful workplace is trust. Companies who have employees that trust them are found to have a more engaged workforce and higher productivity rates. Those organizations that have lost their employee’s trust are not as successful as their counterparts. Some of the main factors that determine trust levels are the availability of open communication, lack of accountability, and management abuses. If you find any of these being an issue within your organization make it a point to work with those who are willing to discuss trust and openness.
Just like trust, communication is key to developing positive long lasting employee morale. Employers need to know what drives each employee and their individual performance. Implementing a blanketed approach towards company morale does not work for all employees, as we know, no two employees are the same. What keeps your employees motivated, flourishing and willing to display their creativity in the workplace? Knowing these answers will help in developing an engaged workforce motivate to their best with a deeper sense of loyalty for the organization.
The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), defines well-being as; “creating an environment to promote a state of contentment which allows an employee to flourish and achieve their full potential for the benefit of themselves and their organization”. The CIPD believes, “employee well-being at work initiatives need to balance the needs of the employee with those of the organization.” Fortunately this does not have to be a costly endeavor and can include items such as providing 15 minute breaks instead of 10 minutes, small incentive programs or providing a comfortable environment for employees to take their breaks. There are many things an employer can do to demonstrate to employees they are concerned for their well-being.
Pride in the Workplace
Vince Lombardi said, “The pride of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” Satisfied employees lead to low turnover which can also lead to better customer retention. Being proud of where one works and appreciation of work done can inspire individuals and teams to achieve more. The renewed pride allows the networks within the office to have better communication and build upon strengths that exist. It’s important for employees to feel proud about the company they work for and the work they do, and it’s crucial for business owners and managers to realize the development of this pride begins with them.
Two major benefits of positive workplace connections are increased productivity and low turnover. It is important to develop a work environment that fosters the building of these connections. Business owners and management should be pro-active in encouraging and providing the opportunity for these connections to be made in the workplace.
Does your business have tried and tested methods to successful support methods? An organization with a strong support system can only benefit from an efficient and well-balanced team of employees. There’s no better time than today to start creating a company culture with lasting impressions.
(About the Author: Michele O’Donnell joined the team in January 2007 and currently leads MMC’s elite team of HR Consultants. Ms. O’Donnell has been involved in the Human Resources industry for more than 14 years, bringing vast training and management experience to the MMC leadership ranks. Her experience spans the broad scope of labor law, regulatory compliance and HR Best Practices, drawn from her rich experience as Director of HR for several firms throughout her career. She currently works to ensure that MMC’s consultants forge long lasting relationships with our clients, fostered in exceptional service and unsurpassed HR expertise. Ms. O’Donnell earned her baccalaureate degree in Business Administration from Auburn University before receiving her Masters degree in Human Resource Management from Troy State University.)
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