Job descriptions need to be informational and thorough but also lively and engaging. With a few key job details and a bit of help from the marketing team, it’s easy for HR to build compelling job ads across a variety of job boards. However, HR professionals will have a hard time attracting the best candidates without these 5 key elements:
A Unique Tone
“Make sure candidates remember your job even after they close the browser window. It can be funny, sweet, intellectual, or any other style as long as it stands out.” – Elli Sharef, Co-Founder of HireArt
What makes the position stand out above all the others in the field? The job posting needs to make that clear, or at the very least touch on it. While this can involve talking about company culture, that isn’t the job’s “uniqueness” in its entirety. Detail what the opportunities are and how that prepares candidates for more opportunities in the company and the community and use language you’d use if you were talking to the perfect candidate.
Answering “Why us?”
“Your job advertisements on these channels could very well be the first interaction you have with a potential talent prospect. That makes it integral to make sure you answer the simple question of why your organization is a place they should want to work at.” – Christopher Brablc, Recruiter & Marketing Geek at Smashfly Technologies
Unless the job posting tells candidates why the company is the best company to work for, they won’t know. There’s something that makes the organization great and candidates want to know that. Ideally, candidates are looking for a company that is a cultural fit through the employer branding in the job ad itself. If your company has fun stuff or an unusual culture or team to boast, the time is do it is in the job ad! Don’t hide how great you are, you’ll just end up lumped with all the other beige companies out there.
What about common sense?
“Anyone who didn’t follow the directions, we didn’t even look at, since that’s a pretty basic skill.” – Ashley Schwartau (@AshelySchwartau), Director of Multimedia Production at The Security Awareness Company
You don’t have much space to work with in your job posting. Don’t waste time and space including things that should be common sense. The ability to follow directions certainly isn’t something you have the space to say, but it’s also a skill requirement that should go without saying. Liz Ryan talks about using a “logic gate” as simple as a 350 word essay via email to see who in your applicant pool will follow your directions, and who is doing the candidate “spray and pray.”
The benefits and cultural incentives might just be enough to persuade a candidate to apply to your company versus another. For example, 66% of job seekers say that paid time to volunteer in their communities is an important work-life balance perk they look for. Considering 40% of employees say a poor work-life balance is the reason they no longer volunteer, you’d be remiss if this wasn’t included in the job posting.
Job descriptions have to be tailored to the position as well as the company, all while keeping a specific target audience in mind. Therefore, it’s not as easy as “fill in the blank” with pertinent information. Your organization is unique and the job posting should highlight that through language and tone. Include benefits, perks, and simply what makes your company so special… answer the “Why us?” question.
Not all job seekers will see what your organization has to offer as special; that’s why incorporating sharing capabilities is just as important as the other details. They can pass on the job description to other job seekers who would make better candidates. Use these elements to keep your job postings informational and engaging.
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