I’ve probably taken close to a dozen personality tests over the years. In just a few minutes, you get a trendy acronym or entertaining epithet to hang your hat on.
While I have found value in these assessments, I also see risk in becoming attached to the alluring labels: we can become quite fascinated with ourselves and our newly branded personalities.
I’m all for opportunities enabling personal growth and learning. The knowledge gained from these assessments can create a healthy balance of self-confidence and humility.
Personality tests can also encourage us to adopt a near-sighted view of ourselves. We think we know who we are.
So when I was approached to experiment with yet another personality test, I wondered what “angle” this one was working.
I jumped into the test. Short and sweet.
And surprising.
Sally Hogshead turns the predictable personality test upside-down. She has spent over two decades of research to develop The Fascination Advantage. It’s the world’s first personality test that shifts the perspective from how you see the world to how the world sees you.
This test challenges us to be the observer and the observed.
Understanding ourselves and how others perceive us is the winning combination for personal and professional success. Seeing yourself from the world’s perspective gives you the ability to fine tune your message to others. What you say may sound crystal clear to you, but your listener may hear nothing but static.
When you understand your fascination advantages and how they are perceived by others, you can dial-in those qualities for clear and concise communication.
Now you’re ringing your true cowbell: effectively communicating your “unique value proposition.”
The Fascination Advantage helps individuals find their unique “cowbells” and effectively communicate their workplace value. Brands can develop a signature story to attract, nurture, and maintain top talent.
For career and brand success in the Social Age, we must consistently demonstrate our value across generations, time zones, and cultures.
The ability to be the observer and the observed is a powerful soft skill to have in your reputation management and brand building toolkit.
Are you ready to learn about “The Fascination Advantage?”
We’ve taken the test here at the TalentCulture #TChat Show and it’s pretty awesome. My assessment results were spot-on!
We’re giving you the opportunity to take the test as well:
Go to HowToFascinate.com/YOU
Use code TCHAT and start your assessment!
Fascinate us and share your experiences with the #TChat community!
About the Author: Jessica E. Roberts is the Community Manager for TalentCulture and The World of Work Community.
photo credit: One World Before Another via photopin (license)
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