Originally posted by Matt Charney , one of #TChat’s moderators, on MonsterThinking Blog
With the way employers and job seekers alike refer to the “black hole” of online job search, you’d think it’s some sort of industry wide conspiracy, given its endemic proportions.
The candidate experience, writes #TChat co-host Kevin Grossman , is almost always negative or non-existent, regardless of the job title, function or level:
“ There’s only one job per multiple candidates, so what has their experience been with American corporations and SMB and startups alike?
Overall, pretty crappy. I mean, it’s not news to know how poor the applicant experience is and has been for a long, long time.
Case in point — I recently went through a fairly high-level job search with a well-known firm in the HR marketplace. Considering that they should know better the best practices of recruiting and hiring, I was left with inconsistent acknowledgement and no closure. Still. Even thought I didn’t get the job, of which the other primary candidate definitely had the edge on me, I was led to believe that there were other opportunities.
And then nothing. Crickets chirping in the night.”
Grossman’s experience, and frustration, echoes the experience of countless others, but he points to two of the almost universal expectations candidates have when applying for a position: acknowledgment and closure.
These are pretty reasonable demands, and the fact that most employers aren’t meeting even this basic baseline defies reasonable explanation. The truth is, employers have gotten pretty good about the acknowledgment part; most applicant tracking systems have been programmed to automatically e-mail a confirmation directly to the job seeker for their records, and it’s sent out the moment they apply to an open requisition.
It’s the closure part organizations seem to be having problems with, to the frustration of candidates and to the detriment of their employment and consumer brands alike. But the thing is, it’s just as easy to notify applicants that they haven’t been selected via e-mail, instantaneously, as it is to notify them when their application is received.
But no one likes to be the bearer of bad news, least of all recruiters. Most seem to feel that letting people know they’re no longer under consideration opens a door that they’re trying to close, and that, in effect, no news is good news. But it’s not.
In fact, for employers and job seekers alike, it’s very bad news indeed. At Monster, we’re committed to advancing the conversation, and searching for the solution, for an improved candidate experience and to help employers transform the “black hole” into a brand-building talent pipeline.
That’s why we’re excited to be participating in tonight’s #TChat, Workplace Culture Branding – Employer Black Holes and the Candidate Experience. Join @kevinwgrossman @meghanmbiro and @talentculture at 8 PM ET tonight as we tackle this very important issue.
We might not come up with all the answers, but we hope these questions, and these related articles, help inform, inspire and impact your perspective on improving the candidate experience:
#TChat Questions and Recommended Reading: 2.15.11
Q1. Is the applicant ‘black hole’ experience real when applying for a job? If so, why does it exist?
Read: Candidate Experience Isn’t About Pleasing Everyone by Claudia Faust
Q2. How does candidate/applicant experience impact employment brand or company culture?
Read: When Potential New Hires Are Searching for YOU by Emily Bennington
Q3: At a minimum, what should job seekers expect from employers to which they apply?
Read: Candidate Experience and Common Sense by Tim Sackett
Q4: What do employers owe to applicants?
Read: Candidate Experience: A Question of Values by Howard Adamsky
Q5: Should the candidate experience apply to applicants? When does an applicant become a ‘candidate?’
Read: Candidate vs. Customer Experience by Gerry Crispin
Q6: What are some creative ways job seekers can get through the black hole or recruiters can handle the applicant tsunami?
Read: How to Get An Employer’s Attention in 20 Seconds by Jessica Holbrook Hernandez
Q7: Job seekers: What has your candidate experience been like during your most recent job hunt?
The Employment/Applicant Transaction: Acknowledgment and Closure by Kevin W. Grossman
Q8: Employers: what are you doing to improve candidate experience?
Read: Eliminate the Black Hole by Colin Kingsbury
Visit www.talentculture.com for more great information on #TChat and resources on culture fatigue and how to overcome it!
Our Monster social media team supports the effort behind #TChat and its mission of sharing “ideas to help your business and your career accelerate – the right people, the right ideas, at the right time.”
We’ll be joining the conversation live every Tuesday night as co-hosts with Kevin Grossman , Meghan M. Biro and Steve Levy from 8-9 PM E.T. via @monster_works and @MonsterWW . Hope to see you tonight at 8 PM ET for #TChat!
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