(Editorial Note : Are you looking for a full review of the week’s #TChat events and resources? Read the #TChat Recap: “It’s All Good: Employees Are People Too.”)
Positivity in the workplace. It may sound like a worthy goal, but what does it really mean for business? Is it a “secret sauce” that leads to employee engagement and effectiveness ? Or is it overrated as a path to peak performance?
Humans At Work: Good, Bad And Ugly
No one is perpetually happy and upbeat. We all have a dark side — the never-ready-for-primetime part of our persona that doesn’t fit ideal workplace expectations. But when we’re less than 100%, how can we still bring our best selves to work? And if we’re not fully engaged, how long can we expect to sustain great results?
Imagine if the key to unleashing workforce potential started with celebrating each of us as we truly are — including characteristics that may be considered counterproductive. What if we felt free to express emotions like anger, fear, depression and grief in the workplace? Could that kind of authenticity lead to better performance?
Let’s Talk About Talent — The “Total Package”
This week at #TChat events , we’re talking about the consequences of “bringing your whole self to work” — for better or worse. Leading the way as our guests are two of the HR community’s best-known and admired commentators:
• John Sumser , founder and editor-in-chief of HR Examiner. John is also an HR industry analyst who serves as principal at Two Color Hat.
• William Tincup , CEO of HR consultancy, Tincup & Co. William is recognized as a leading thinker and advisor on HR technology adoption and social media use in HR.
I had a chance to sit down briefly with John, as he explained the importance and sensitivity surrounding this topic. Watch the G+ Hangout now, and I’m sure it will strike a chord, no matter what your role or history may be in the world of work:
This week’s #TChat promises to be an eye-opening discussion for talent-minded professionals everywhere. So please join us, and bring your ideas, questions, examples and concerns!
#TChat Events: Exploring The Dark Side of Workplace Effectiveness
#TChat Radio — Wed, Oct 2 — 6:30pmET / 3:30pmPT
Tune-in to the #TChat Radio show
Our hosts, Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman talk with William Tincup and John Sumser , about why and how to embrace employees as complete, unique personalities. Follow the action online, and dial-in LIVE with your feedback and questions!
#TChat Twitter — Wed, Oct 2 — 7pmET / 4pmPT
Immediately following the radio show, we’ll move the discussion to the #TChat Twitter stream , where Dr. Nancy Rubin will lead an open chat with the entire TalentCulture community. Anyone with a Twitter account is invited to participate, as we address these questions:
Q1: Why are positive workplaces so hard to maintain? Should we keep pushing?
Q2 : How can we bring our “whole selves” to work, even if we don’t feel whole?
Q3: Can business leaders develop stronger organizations by letting go of control?
Q4: If culture is the software of business, where does transparency fit in?
Q5: What technologies help business transform emotional power into insight and results?
Throughout the week, we’ll keep the discussion going on the #TChat Twitter feed and on our LinkedIn Discussion Group . So please join us share your questions, ideas and opinions.
We’ll see you on the stream!
Image Credit: Stuart Pilbrow via Flickr
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