(Editor’s Note: Are you interested in reviewing all of this week’s events and resources? Read “Communities of Practice and Purpose: #TChat Recap.” )
If you know me, then you know that I’m passionate about communities — digital and otherwise.
My interest in cultivating communities is what drives me as manager at HuffPost Live and TalentCulture , and as the founder of My Community Manager . It’s incredibly gratifying to help people build useful relationships, and to facilitate an ongoing exchange of ideas that is bigger than the sum of its parts.
Digital communities aren’t just a nice idea. They’re also a huge potential source of business value for enterprise organizations, according to management consulting firms like McKinsey. Yet large companies often struggle with how to connect the social dots among their various constituents — employees, leaders, customers, business partners, and beyond.
What Makes a Great Enterprise Community?
Of course, great networking and collaboration tools are helpful in creating and sustaining any kind of social community. But it takes much more than a solid infrastructure. What does it take? That’s the focus of our TalentCulture #TChat forums in the coming week. And we’ve invited two experts to lead the conversation:
#TChat Sneak Peek Videos
Both guests briefly joined me for a G+ Hangout to set the stage. First Jeff defined key terms — explaining how enterprise communities differ from other social networking groups:
And then Maria explained why communities are essential in today’s business environment:
#TChat Events: Why and How Enterprise Communities Work
Need I say more? As you can tell from their interviews, these two experts are just as passionate as I am about exploring the benefits of business-oriented communities. And they’re eager to exchange idea s with a circle of like-minded professionals. So please join us next week, and add your unique perspective to this very special “community” conversation!
#TChat Radio — Tuesday, May 28 at 7:30pmET / 4:30pmPT — Maria and Jeff join our hosts, Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman, for a LIVE 30-minute discussion about enterprise community issues and opportunities.
#TChat Twitter — Wednesday, May 29 at 7:00pmET / 4:00pmPT — Calling all #TChatters to join us for an open online discussion on the #TChat stream . Come on over and share your thoughts. The more, the merrier!
Q1: What are the differences between social and enterprise communities?
Q2: Why has community development and management been more difficult for the enterprise?
Q3: What are best practices for enterprise community management?
Q4: What can business leaders and internal champions do to facilitate quality enterprise communities?
Q5: What community & collaboration technologies make sense for today’s enterprise?
Throughout the week, we’ll keep the discussion going on the #TChat Twitter feed and on our new LinkedIn Discussion Group . So please join us share your questions, ideas and opinions.
We’ll see you on the stream!
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