The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. -William James
As children, when we master a new skill or complete a task well, others often offer us a hug or a thumbs up. Sometimes, we even receive stickers or an allowance as a reward for completing chores throughout the week.
Rewards and recognition are ingrained in our culture – and are central to our personal and professional lives. Whenever someone acknowledges our efforts or commends us for a job well done, that moment creates a connection, and establishes an understanding that positive reinforcement will be available again in the future.
Workplace “job well done” salutes are often associated with financial rewards. But is that what matters most? How can recognition make a real difference in today’s world of work?
That was our #TChat focus this week – as the TalentCulture community came together to share issues, ideas and best practices for improving business performance by showing employees and leaders that their contributions count.
Not Just a Pat on the Back
Although money and other tangible “spiffs” are considered appropriate recognition tools, the #TChat crowd expressed strong sentiment about the value of simple, sincere interaction, and a culture that encourages recognition when it is deserved.
Feedback is necessary for individual assessment, coaching and development. Acknowledgement keeps employees on a path for engagement and productivity. Positive feedback fuels individuals and teams to continue delivering outstanding results. And in the aggregate, it keeps organizations focused on key success factors, and drives business momentum. But there is no silver bullet – no simple “checklist” formula or one-size-fits-all solution.
So, what else emerged from this week’s focus on recognition? Check it out!
NOTE: To see specific highlights from yesterday’s “Employee Recognition” #TChat session on Twitter, see the Storify slideshow at the end of this post.
#TChat Week-in-Review
SUN 1/13
TalentCulture Founder, Meghan M. Biro set the stage in her post: “5 Ways Leaders Rock Employee Recognition”
MON 1/14
#TChat weekly preview post “Employee Recognition at a Reasonable Volume”
TUE 1/15
#TChat Radio Show: Two fascinating experts joined our hosts to discuss what it takes to make employee recognition work:
Rob Catalano – head of marketing at Achievers, a company that creates social software that supports employee recognition.
Ted Coine – leadership author, speaker, consultant, and one of the most influential business commentators on Twitter. His collaborative blog, Switch and Shift, explores better ways to do business. For example, this week’s #TChat topic was examined in a popular post by Roy Saunderson: “Engaging Employees with Recognition.”
WED 1/16
#TChat on Twitter: Ted and Rob joined us again – this time on the Twitter stream – as workplace strategist, Dr. Marla Gottschalk, led participants through an open conversation about the importance of avoiding “one-size-fits-all” approaches to recognition, and how to make it work in any organizational setting.
Here’s a taste of the interaction from last night’s #TChat interaction…
(For full highlights, watch the Storify slideshow at the end of this post.)
Is recognition a driver or an outgrowth of engagement?
Both – it’s cyclical. An engaged employee is bound to deserve recognition, and recognition keeps them engaged. @BrightJobs
Need to hire the right people with the right mindset, so engaging people and engaging culture facilitate recognition. @ThinDifference
When should recognition be different from praise?
In some cultures praise is enough, but others want $ or a new title; you have to know what works globally @melissa_lamson1
Recognition is a form of feedback – constructive criticism is other side of coin. Both are important. @RobCatalano
How can an organization be believable?
The best way to be “believable” is to truly believe in people. People know. @ReCenterMoment
Employee recognition must be action, not words. Then it’s believable. @samfiorella
Recognition should be a daily thing that leaders do to guide their people on a journey to reach worthwhile goals! @bcoelho2000
Want to recognize employees authentically? Learn their kids & spouses’ names. @tedcoine
Does technology facilitate or hinder workforce recognition?
Tech helps facilitate immediacy of recognition when proximity isnt there. @brentskinner
Performance & productivity are key issues. Speed, revenue, innovation need to be ignited; social business can bridge gaps. @thehealthmaven
Tech is an enabler. Still need recognition strategy. Tech won’t help if you don’t establish whats important. @RobCatalano
How can organizations recognize their leaders?
Leaders praise and recognize team when getting praise and recognition. Respect 101. @YouTernMark
Work your hardest for them to make them proud. Ease up their workload and show THEIR boss how well they’re leading you. @AshLaurenPerez
# # #
Closing Notes & Highlights Slideshow
SPECIAL THANKS: Another nod of appreciation to Ted Coine and Rob Catalano for sharing your depth and perspective on this week’s topic. Also thanks to Dr. Marla Gottschalk, for your leadership as chat moderator. Our community salutes you!
NOTE TO BLOGGERS: Did this week’s events inspire you to write about employee recognition or other “world of work” issues? We’re happy to share your thoughts. Just post a link on Twitter (include #TChat or @TalentCulture), or insert a comment below, and we’ll pass it along. There are many voices in this community, with many ideas worth sharing. Let’s capture as many of them as possible.
WHAT’S AHEAD: Next week, the topic of recognition moves to another level, as we examine The Power of Endorsement. Be sure to mark your calendar – first for #TChat Radio, Tuesday, Jan 22, at 7:30pm ET. And then for #TChat Twitter Wednesday, Jan 23, at 7pm ET. Look for a full preview on Monday, January 21 via @TalentCulture and #TChat.
Til then – we hope you’ll find opportunities to recognize others in your world. Let us know how it goes!
Image Credit: Pixabay
#TChat INSIGHTS Slide Show: “Getting Real About Employee Recognition”
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