“If you can connect people, you can create the future.”
– Scott Heiferman , CEO Meetup
Thanks to the wonder of technology, network access continues to grow at an astounding pace around the world. According to Internet World Stats , 34% of the world’s 7 billion people are already online. And not surprisingly, North America leads the way, with 79% usage.
Making Connections Count
But there’s a more important challenge, here. It’s not just about counting connections. It’s about making those connections count. That led TalentCulture to ask a more specific question:
How can we leverage “always on” workplace connectivity to also do good works?
In response, some of the smartest and most passionate “world of work” advocates I know gathered on #TChat Twitter to talk about how social business initiatives can make a difference for those in need — locally and globally.
It reminded me of another event that happened last fall, where some of the planet’s smartest and most passionate philanthropy advocates gathered in New York City at the Mashable Social Good Summit. That’s where Meetup CEO Scott Heiferman , offered his quote about the power of connections in creating the future.
Two Think Tanks — One Vision
These two venues may be different — the participants may be different — and their overall reach and influence may be different. But the ideas and energy that were flowing last night on the #TChat stream were just as compelling as the vibe at the Mashable event.
To see what I mean, check this week’s archives, and get inspired to connect!
#TChat Week-in-Review
Two experts led us through this week’s conversation:
Jure Klepic , a digital marketing strategist and commentator focused on in social media innovation in consumer business environments;
Marion Mariathasan , CEO at SoRewarding.com a social network for that integrates giving into daily activities.
Watch the Sneak Peek video with Jure Klepic
#TChat Preview: Our community manager, Tim McDonald , outlined the week’s topic and key questions in the #TChat Preview post: “Social Business and Social Good”
Sneak Peek Videos : Tim also conducted brief video interviews with our guests:
MON 4/22
Forbes.com: TalentCulture CEO, Meghan M. Biro, in her post: “3 Global Leadership Lessons From Boston.”
Meghan on Monday: Separately, Meghan shared a more intimate view of her connection with Boston in “Lessons in Community From My Hometown.”
TUE 4/23
Listen to the radio show recording
#TChat Radio Our hosts Kevin and Meghan talked with Jure and Marion about how social media can do a better job of connecting the “world of work” with the world’s charitable organizations.
WED 4/24
#TChat Twitter Hundreds of talent-minded people joined our open, online Twitter forum to exchange ideas in real-time. Watch highlights from the hour in the Storify slideshow below:
#TChat Twitter Highlights Slideshow: “Social Business and Social Good”
[javascript src=”//storify.com/TalentCulture/tchat-insights-social-business-and-social-good.js?template=slideshow”]
Closing Notes & What’s Ahead
SPECIAL THANKS: Again, thanks to Marion Mariathasan and Jure Klepic for contributing to this week’s conversation. You brought depth and perspective that challenged our community to think more creatively about how we can weave “social good” objectives and behaviors into daily worklife.
NOTE TO BLOGGERS : Did this week’s events prompt you to write about “Social Business and Social Good” or related issues? We’re happy to share your thoughts. Just post a link on Twitter (include #TChat or @TalentCulture ), or insert a comment below, and we’ll pass it along.
WHAT’S AHEAD : Next week, we’ll be looking into HR technology’s role in creating tomorrow’s workforce, as Meghan and Kevin go on the road at the HRO Today Forum . Stay tuned for “sneak peek” videos and a preview post on Monday!
Until then, as always, the World of Work conversation continues each day. So join us on the #TChat Twitter stream, or on our new LinkedIn discussion group. And feel free to explore other areas of our redesigned blog/community website. The lights are always on at TalentCulture, and your ideas and opinions are always welcome.
We’ll see you on the stream!
Image credit: Pixabay
Post Views: 957