Your company’s culture might be changing at this very moment.
The future of work is shifting as more and more millennials enter the workforce. They have goals and motivations that are different from today’s current workers. Also, the increased advancement of technology continues to have a substantial impact on the evolution of workplaces.
All of these changes mean that a shift in company culture is inevitable. How work is viewed and treated will certainly alter as this new crop of college graduates enters the workforce. There are a few ways the future of work will change and what that means for company culture.
More Freelancers
You might never need to put a worker in a cubicle ever again.
Technology has made it possible for workers to do their jobs remotely from home. Twenty-three percent of employees worked remotely in 2015, which was up from 19% in 2013. Remote work is appealing to workers because they get to work from home, eliminate a stressful commute and be more flexible with hours.
Freelance workers mean company cultures will start to accommodate long-distance collaboration. This means video conferencing will become a vital form of communication. Platforms that allow multiple people to work at once like Google Docs will be a necessity to big corporations. Face-to-face interactions will become a rarity as the next generation takes over the workforce.
Less Hierarchy
Get ready, managers. The way you lead your employees is about to come into question.
The days of strict guidelines and intimidating demeanor are over. Future workers demand that their leaders be more honest and inspirational. The hierarchy lines that have been drawn will start to blend as leaders will inspire employees by example.
New workers want to be given a reason to work for a company. They want to inspire others while being inspired in the process. Managers will have to transform more into role models and change the culture to a positive, team-oriented environment.
Better Technology
New technology is constantly making it easier to track inventory, project future sales earnings and distribute products across a variety of industries. For example, the retail industry has evolved in many ways thanks to the internet. We now know that ecommerce sales even have a positive impact on brick-and-mortar stores, with 43% of online shoppers purchasing extra products when they claim their online purchases in-store.
Even better, more efficient and automated processes leave additional free time for non-robotic workers. With this time, workers can personalize each order and put in an extra effort that’ll set their company apart from others. A hand-written letter can go a long way toward retaining customers and showing them you care. The boost in technology will allow workers to add a personal touch to products.
Meaningful Work
Is the work your company does considered meaningful? Does it have a positive impact on the community? This is a shift your company might be forced to make.
30% of millennials believe the work they do has to be meaningful. This is much higher than the 12% of current managers who think meaningful work is important.
Millennials want to feel like they’re making a difference. They grew up with the internet and social media, where their voice can always be heard. With one click of a button, they can make someone’s day with a friendly comment or like. Millennials want to take this into the workforce and impact people’s lives.
Instant Feedback
You know that annual performance review that’s supposed to boost morale? It’s about to become obsolete.
The future of work demands managers give instant feedback. Instant messaging and social media have made quick feedback a normality in today’s culture. New workers will want to hear about their progress as it’s happening. They believe they will learn and improve much faster.
Managers will have to be aware of how their workers are performing at all times. Annual performance reviews will no longer be sufficient in the future.
Be Prepared
Your company’s culture is changing as you’re reading this right now. Be prepared for the future and accept the inevitable shift in culture.
Photo Credit: İstanbul İşletme Enstitüsü via Compfight cc
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