I have been on the biggest adventure of my life even though I feel like our lives are a series of adventures, where we have the opportunity to blaze new paths or sit back and watch someone else’s adventure. It is always a choice, no matter what anyone tells us. We can either tell ourselves a story about why we can’t do something or we can look at an opportunity and say, “giddy up, let’s go.”
Some people will tell you that it takes courage to uncover what is deep in your heart and while there is truth in that belief, it also takes curiosity and a childlike desire to play to explore what is calling us. Somehow, for too many of us, we are told there is danger everywhere and why we can’t do certain things. I have come to realize that too often this is simply a reflection of someone else’s fear of leaving the falsely perceived safety of the status quo. Imagine what would happen if every time you tell yourself that you can’t do something, you would ask yourself, why not?
It happened to me. I was invited by a dear friend a few years ago on a trip I never imagined I would make. I was busy working at the time and the thought of trekking through the Amazon Rainforest at the time was not high on my list. But as I learned the trip was about maternal health and I asked myself the same question I am suggesting we each ask ourselves, “why not?” I realized that I cannot not take this journey. And I did. It forever changed my life and put me on a course that I hope can help millions of people around the world open up to life’s possibilities.
When I set out on my adventure to the Amazon rainforest, I was writing a different book than the one being published this Fall by Param Media. It was geared more toward the individual than business. After leaving many of my fears, doubts, and worries behind in the lungs of the rainforest, I emerged to write a book about why we need to create a saner and healthier world for all of us and why business is our best bet as after all, organizations are made up of people. This is the first time in our history that society and business are fusing and the biggest change we need is one of mindset. We each need to realize that the future is up to us to step up and re-invent business. Along the road, over 30 amazing pioneers joined me by openly sharing their stories with grace, vulnerability and courage. What I love is that you will get to experience their stories firsthand, like I did, and learn from each of these incredible 21st century leaders.
The book suggests 7 signposts for the 21st century and provides amazing stories of conscious 21st century leaders who are on this new path, pioneering new thinking for a healthier world.
Wholeness and integration our anchors to our collective journey in the world. It is time for us to find each other and come together around a higher purpose. We need to live in a world where our work is more than a job that dictates our standard of living. It’s time for us to bring our teams back together with purpose and wholeness in mind.
Now that the book is in its last stages of publication, I am emerging from long days and sleepless nights of writing and editing. I can write a whole book about that journey as I followed no one’s guidance on how to write a book. I wanted to experience it for myself and found so many people on this path who forever changed my life. I am looking forward to more conversations with more 21st century leaders as we blaze this road together. Please reach out and connect.
The best is yet to come.
San Francisco, September 2016
You can pre-order the book on Amazon.com
This post was first published on LinkedIn.
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